Is it possible to mark attributes at non-translatable using XPath?

If I have the following XML tag:

<Property ID="MaxNumberOfFiles" DataType="UINT" Value="1" Name-en="Maximum number of files" Description-en="This value defines the number of .csv files that are generated after a 'Record' command. The 'RecordDone' output is set to TRUE when the files have been created" ValueRange="1-65535" />

And only need to translate the text under attribute "Description-en", is it possible to extract all of the other attributes for display in the Trados Studio 2019 editor for "informational purposes" (text is present but locked). I know this is possible with tag elements themselves (inline / non-translatable / Include), but I can't seem to get it to work with attributes. Also tried with embedded content but to no avail.

Anyone know if this is possible?

Parents Reply Children
  • CRQ-18395: XML: Unable to generate the file for previewing. The document may no longer be available

    This one is apparently fixed. If it's not working in CU6 then that means it'll be in Studio 2021, and possibly a future update to 2019.

    CRQ-18404: XML2- highlighting in preview fails when you have multiple segments in a paragraph unit

    Same again... apparently fixed.

    CRQ-18408: XML 1 - no preview highlighting

    This is closed with the comment "This is an unsupported feature due to a limitation in the architecture of the framework. As a solution use XML2 which addresses this limitation."

    I suggest you test them all in CU6 using XML2 and also in the Beta of 2021.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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