RegEx for Language Recognition

Hello guys ...
I am just starting using a bit of reg ext to find strings with digits (^\d), urls (^\www), telephones etc BUT ...

I translate basically form Russian into Italian and quite often it happens to find in russian source files segments NOT in russian. It happens for instance with brands, company etc ... let's say ... I have in russian files a long list of brancs like like "Ferrari" "Lamgborghini", "AlfaRomeo" ETC ...

My question is, is there a way to build a RegEx which allows me to find segments writte NOT in russian ???

If I have for example this list ... in cirillic and latin alfphabet:


Is there any way to EXTRACT from that source document ALL the segments like "Ferrari", "Lamborghini" and "Alenia spazio" in order to simply COPY them from source to target and only AFTER THAT start the translation of the REAL russian source ???

Sorry if it sounds strange!



Parents Reply
  • You could also try an approach like this for this particular file:


    Then reverse the result:

    Trados Studio Advanced Display Filter window with a red arrow pointing to a regular expression input field containing Cyrillic characters.

    Just to give you some other ideas of how to use this filter.  It's quite easy to build up the filter based on the results you see in the Editor until you get just what you need.

    Or even this and reverse it if you wanted to copy source to target... not sure if that all works for you but it might help you see how I used it:


    Is trados a 32 bit program ONLY ??? (whandering why I ahve a 32 bit version installed)
    SDL Trados Studio icon with a label indicating it is a 32-bit version. (This come from the Activity Manager, once it often crashes)

    Yes.  There is little to be gained in moving to 64-bit until some more fundamental improvements (that the teams are working on) have been implemented.

    Do You know how Studio 2019 works on ARM processors ??? If it is not optimized then I will not take a comp working on that processor ...

    I have no idea.  Maybe  could provide a sensible answer to that question?

    And I don't really know what the third question is?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 4:23 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]