Why does a lookbehind with replace not function?

The (?<!^)Business Service lookbehind (with Match Case enabled) to replace uppercase "Business Service", except at start-of-line, with lowercase "business service" does not perform any change,

Trados Studio screenshot showing the Find and Replace dialog with 'Business Service' in the Find field, 'business service' in the Replace field, and Match Case enabled. No changes are highlighted in the text.

Business Service as simple term (without lookbehind), however, matches correctly.

Trados Studio screenshot with the Find and Replace dialog open. 'Business Service' is in the Find field, 'business service' in the Replace field, without Match Case. Text instances are highlighted in red.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 4:41 AM (GMT 0) on 5 Mar 2024]
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