XPath query for content of an XML attribute

I use the file tye XML 2:OASIS DITA 1.3 in Trados Studio 2021 SR2 -

I have XML content that looks like this:

<othermeta content="Störung;Behebung;Leckage;Luftblase;Schlauch;Sensorfehler;Überdruckfehler;Systemflüssigkeit" name="keyword"/>

I need to make the content after content= translatable: Störung;Behebung;Leckage;Luftblase;Schlauch;Sensorfehler;Überdruckfehler;Systemflüssigkeit. The content is different in every file. The structure of the XML element is always <othermeta content="" name="keyword"/>

I have been struggling to define an XPath query; I'm not even sure this sort of filtering can be done with an XPath query...
