Length parameter error. Can't save target text

I failed to save the translation as a target text file. The following error message appeared: "Länge darf nicht kleiner als 0 sein" /  "Length cannot be smaller than 0"

What are the possible solutions?

Thank you very much for your support!

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  • This is what I was always talking about.

    Maybe I was not clear, but the problem is in source document, so indeed you need to save the source as DOC and then retranlsate.

    In my initial post I wrote: "Please try to resave source in a different format, preferably DOCX."

    You can also try to use OpenOffice to open the file and save as doc.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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