SDL project in a network


I'm new with SDL trados Studio.

We are using SDL projects in a network. We share the project file (we have one per client).

When one client asks for a translation we add the files to the project. And different translators open them for translate (one file for one translator). It's works. But sometimes some files are missing from the project... We can see them in the languaje folders of the project (at OS level). But we can´t see them in the File view of SDL trados studio.

It seems like a refresh problem, but it never refresh...

I suspect that the problem came when we add files when a translator is working with a file of the project. Is it possible?

We have a client that sends us 70 small files per day. It takes no sense to create one project per file or using pakages in the same office...

Can you help me?

thank you,


  • I do exactly the same - share projects on a NAS.

    However if you share the project let's say between 3 or 4 people, only the person who adds the file will see it in his/her Studio, as the project file (sdlproj) is stored localy on your computer.

    Maybe you simply try to go to the projects view in Studio, right click the project and remove it from the list. Then open it on this very PC by double clicking the SDLPFOJ file on your network server. This should give you the latest status of the project.


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  • However if you share the project let's say between 3 or 4 people, only the person who adds the file will see it in his/her Studio, as the project file (sdlproj) is stored localy on your computer.

    the project file (sdlproj) is not stored localy in my computer, it is in COMPUTER B, which is shared in our network.

    Maybe you simply try to go to the projects view in Studio, right click the project and remove it from the list. Then open it on this very PC by double clicking the SDLPFOJ file on your network server. This should give you the latest status of the project.

    I tried this but does not work.

    thank you

  • Do you have full access to the PC in question? In My case all this works with a NAS - which is in fact something like a server.

    Who added the files to the project and how?


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  • yes, I have full access to the PROJECTS forlder of the PC (a virtual machine).

    I don't now if PROJECTS forlder is a NAS, I don't now exactly what is a NAS... Our system administrator says that the PROJECTS folder is a shared folder of a virtual machine, but fisically it is a disk cabin.

    Each translator have assigned some clients, and when the client asks for a translation, the translator in cuestion adds the files.

    this is the way we use:

    -. Go to files view of the project in SDL studio

    -. choose the source languaje

    -. right click -> add files

    this are the batch tasks:

    -. choose all new files, right click Batch tasks , Custom ->

    Convert to translatable Format

    Word Cound

    Copy to Target Languages

    Analyze Files

    Translation Count

    thank you,

  • yes, I have full access to the PROJECTS forlder of the PC (a virtual machine).

    I don't now if PROJECTS forlder is a NAS, I don't now exactly what is a NAS... Our system administrator says that the PROJECTS folder is a shared folder of a virtual machine, but fisically it is a disk cabin.

    Each translator have assigned some clients, and when the client asks for a translation, the translator in cuestion adds the files.

    this is the way we use:

    -. Go to files view of the project in SDL studio

    -. choose the source languaje

    -. right click -> add files

    this are the batch tasks:

    -. choose all new files, right click Batch tasks , Custom ->

    Convert to translatable Format

    Word Cound

    Copy to Target Languages

    Analyze Files

    Translation Count

    thank you,

  • All this tasks are performed on the PC of the person, who's adding the files.

    I have no experience with a virtual machine. IMO this however may be the culprit here.

    A NAS is a "network attached storage" - which in fact behaves like a server. What I have and what works correctly is a mapped drive. Maybe you need that too.

    Otherwise when you reload the SDLPROJ (which is as you correctly state stored on the remote computer) it should contain the latest changes in the project. Of course if you reload the correct one...


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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