Updating project languages when updating a template in Studio

Hi all,

Is there a way to update the language combination of a project template (both for Studio 2014 and 2017) after you have created the project with your preferred languages?

I created a project template EN-FR but when I create new projects using that template, it includes several targets that I never added. I modify the languages to create a new project and update the template at the end, but whenever I use the template for a new project it includes again all the other target languages...

Any ideas, please?


Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul,

    This happens in a custom template that I created and then set as the default one to use.

    I created it with a particular language combination and then some target languages were added. I edited the template again under Setup to leave only the preferred source and target to create a new project. When I used the template after that project, it had already added some target languages. I created a new project with the preferred languages again and updated the template at the end of the project creation to keep those changes. However, when I use it for a new project after that, I see that some target languages were added again (and not the same as the previously added languages). When I open the template, I see those languages added in the "Language Pairs" category, where I had modified them at the beginning.

    My guess is that those languages are being added whenever I open any files or projects with different languages. However, I don't understand the logic to add some languages over others...

    Please let me know in case you need further information.

    Thanks and kind regards,