Target file with untraslated segments Trados 2017

Hello everyone,

I am Francesca, currently translating a technical manual in Word format with SDL Trados 2017.

After translating the first file, I opened the preview and half the document is completely untranslated, same in saved target file. This happens where in the Word doc I have a page interruction, but there's no special tag in Trados.

Have I done something wrong during file setting? This happened already, and back then I reopened the file and got the translation from my memory, but I would like to avoid this problem in the future.

Any suggestions on how to avoid this would be really appreciated.

  • If I understand correctly - after exporting the file, even though it is translated in full in Studio, in the exported doc format it is translated to some specific place and afterwards it is not?
    If that is the case I am aware of such an issue - this happens sometimes.

    What we found working with such an issue is generally trying the copy and paste the content of the original doc file into a new file (preferably in docx format) - and then preparing a new project with the TM used for the previous one. In majority of cases such a thing works just fine and the new exported file is usually OK.

    If that does not work however, you can always remove all formatting from your source document (the probably is something wrong with its structure and removing all formatting may alleviate the issue) and then proceed as described above i.e. place such a saved file without formatting in trados, apply the TM, pre-translate and perhaps this will work. Of course, such a solution would not be a good one for heavily formatted documents, as you would need to format them once again post-translation.

    Please let us know if any of my solutions worked.
  • Dear Mateusz, thank you for your reply. Yes, that is the case. I have tried to do as you suggested and opened a new file after deleting the page interruption, and now I can see the translation after that point.

    But is there any way to avoid this? It was easy now with a relatively small file, but if this happen to every single file in the manual that's going to be a problem. Doesn't Trados recognize page interruption or have a tag for it?

    Anything to suggest?

    Thanks again to both of you!
  • Usually using DOCX instead of DOC is the best prevention.


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  • Hi   

    Thank you for using Live Chat-

    In order to help others, I thought it best to reply here so others can see the progress and offer up a solution.

    I have been able to upload your file and do a pseudo-translation (just to test the integrity)-

    and cannot reproduce what you are getting....


    In Studio the translation is fine

    After taking a look at the Source file- this seems to be OK

    (Did you load an editable source version?- or load the 'protected view' document? Not sure if this could be the issue?

    I cannot see any obvious issues with the source file-

    or indeed with the psuedo translated target file over page breaks


    I hope with this information someone can shed light on the issue




    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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  • Thank you for your reply Steve. I have checked and the document is not in "protected view".

    Could there be a spec that is preventing my SDL to apply the translation after page break? I have tried with other files, and each file that has a page break will give me this problem. If you're not able to reproduce it, then the problem must be in my file settings or others.

    Please help me shed some light on it, it would be a big problem to reformat an entire manual of over 500 pages :(
  • My mistake, it's a .docx and not .doc, so I don't really know what it could cause this.
  • Hi Francesca,

    Can you send me the SDLXliff file please.
    We can take a look at that for you-



    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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  • It seems I have solved this.

    I created a new project, then in Settings, File type, Word 2007-2016, Common settings: Extract document properties was set on Not extract, changed it to Extract all properties, and it worked. Will live this on from now on.

    Thank you all for your help, sorry if I'm still a newbie on Trados!
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