Blank Multiterm entry, "firstChild" and helper.js error

When opening Multiterm, the term list displays just fine, but it's impossible to view or edit the entries. Only the Copyright mention is visible.

The entry content displays with the Default layout though.

When trying to edit or copy the entry, the following error appears:

The same error occurs in Studio in the terminology view.

I uninstalled both MT and Studio as well as Java and reinstalled everything, with no result. My guess is that my local configuration was changed, but I unfortunately can't retrace the changes... The "regsvr32 jscript.dll" didn't help either.

Any idea about this problem?

Parents Reply
  • Hello Steven,

    sorry for the delay. I tried the following:

    1. Disabled AV and Firewall, did a repair on SDL MultiTerm 2017 SR1 Core and on SDL Trados 2017 SR, restarted the system -> situation in Multiterm and Studio is unchanged
    2. Did a full Multiterm-Export and imported it in an news termbase (based on old one) -> file is a bit smaller, situation unchanged.
    3. Created a test-termbase with the Trados template -> view is unchanged (i.e. terms are visible with default layout but not with any other)

    I'm sending you my Termbase right now, have a look. It really seems to be a display problem, since editing and saving works with default layout. Studio also loads the termbase and searches the entries.

    Any suggestion is appreciated!

    Kind regards