How to import a bilingual Word document for translation

I have some clients whose preferred tool is MemSource but Studio doesn't like mxliff and to make matters worse, because I cannot re-assign locales in Studio (at the moment at least), I get the unsupported culture thing because MemSource seems to define it as "gd" but Studio expects gd-GB. Argh.

Anyway, their second preferred option is a "bilingual Word document" but that doesn't seem to sit well with Studio either. On the face of it, this "bilingual Word document" format seems to be a multi-column table with string IDs, a Source colum, a Target column, some column for tagging the translation status and a Comment column, plus some header stuff. But when I try to open this in Studio, it treats the whole document as if it was plain text i.e. if there are translated segments, it also treats them as Source strings.

Does Studio handle this format for translation (not talking bilingual review) and I'm doing something wrong or does it simply not handle this format?

Parents Reply
  • Hi Paul

    I note that your file comes as gd-T.mxliff, whereas the one I got from the client was gd-3S.mxliff but the result is the same. So my step by step is:

    - start Studio

    - Translate Single Document

    - open the file (yours or theirs)

    - file opens, MultiTerm for some reason is ok with the language code and displays matches but nothing from the TM

    - if I go to Project Settings, Studio seems to treat this as "All Language Pairs" with no TM selected

    Trados Studio project settings showing 'All Language Pairs' selected with no translation memory or automated translation provider added.

    if I try to select my English to Gaelic TM, I get that error message about AnyTM.

    If I check under the English > Scottish Gaelic tab, I see this:

    Error message in Trados Studio stating 'The following language pairs do not use the translation providers from All Language Pairs'.

    as opposed to what I get when I open any other file following the same steps, here's an example of a plain Word document:

    Trados Studio translation memory settings with a red error icon indicating an issue with the English to Scottish Gaelic translation memory.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:53 PM (GMT 0) on 28 Feb 2024]