Translation Memory not working!


I have translated a document and now been sent a very similar one with slight updates. Lots of the segments are the same as previously translated yet for some reason my TM is not showing any matches. The only reason I can think of for this is that the font colour is different. Could this be affecting it? Sorry if this is a silly question but I'm new to Trados. I would be grateful for any easy to follow suggestions of what to do.

Thanks in anticipation for your help!

Parents Reply
  • You have just revealed the key piece of the information - you are using the AnyTM engine which is probably significantly different from connecting a local TM the regular way. If I were you, I would export all these different varieties of German to separate TMX files then create a new TM and import (consolidate) all these TMX files into a single newly created TM.

    If it is not possible to import and consolidate some varieties German into your new TM, use notepad (or notepad++) to open the relevant TMX files and then find and replace the language designations as needed, so that TMX is accepted on import.

    You admit yourself that the different varieties of German have hardly any differences between them, then why keep separate TMs for them and use AnyTM?
