Shortcut CTRL+Z (undo) not working

The shortcut CTRL+Z stops working when I open multiple files in Studio 2019. Again. And again.

Although I've been told by the support, that this well known bug will finally be fixed with SR2 - after many, many years. I meet this bug since 2015.

Is there FINALLY a solution, how to remove this bug?


In the "old version" this bug could be temporarily fixed by copying a word into the concordance search field and providing the search. Then it worked again for while.

Now I have to close all open files and to open a single one again.

This is really annoying.

  • I have not written anything about search and replace here. I have complained that CTRL+Z is not working.

    Well... it does work for me so I need more than this.  Sometimes we have to do a bit of detective work because the decriptions of the problems are unhelpful.  Based on what yo said I drew this conclusion.  This is what you said:

    The shortcut CTRL+Z stops working when I open multiple files in Studio 2019. Again. And again.

    At this point all I know is you open multiple files.  I have no idea what you are trying to undo.  Then you said this in the same post:

    In the "old version" this bug could be temporarily fixed by copying a word into the concordance search field and providing the search. Then it worked again for while.

    Given running a concordance doesn't actually change anything I clearly incorrectly assumed you must be making a change you need to undo and used a search and replace to do it.

    If you actually told me and gave me the steps I wouldn't have to guess!

    It happened right now. I have changed something in the text (first screen shot) and you can see in the second screen shot, that the undo function is gray = not active. And the shortcut CTRL+Z does not work too. In this moment 2 files from 2 different projects are opened.

    Screenshot showing Trados Studio interface with a segment of text selected and the 'Undo' function icon grayed out, indicating it is not active.

    Screenshot highlighting the 'File' tab in Trados Studio's ribbon interface with a red circle, suggesting a possible area to investigate for the non-functioning CTRL+Z issue.

    This is possibly quite interesting.  You seem to have activated the Alt keys and this would most likely prevent Ctrl+Z from working as well as any other shortcut.  Can you try and note if this is what happens each time this fails for you?

    I'll come back to you on the support tickets after discussing this with support.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:37 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • I have no idea what you are trying to undo.

    Usually people want to UNDO, what they have done. In an editor like SDL Studio it is e.g. writing, inserting tags, inserting TB entries etc. Just all the normal actions you do in an editor. All the actions, that should normally be undone with "UNDO".

    If you actually told me and gave me the steps I wouldn't have to guess!

    Don´t guess, just read. I wrote it clearly:

    In the "old version" this bug could be temporarily fixed by copying a word into the concordance search field and providing the search. Then it worked again for while.

    But as I say, this is already history. In the current version (SR2) I have to reopen the file or to restart Studio to fix the problem (for a while).

    You seem to have activated the Alt keys

    NO. Alt has been activated when I pushed "Alt+PrtScn" to make the screenshot. 

    But even if ALT were activated, the UNDO function (the button) would have to be active. As you can see here:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio interface highlighting inactive UNDO button in the toolbar, with red circles around the button and the 'Alt' key indicator.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 1:37 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Come on Adrian... you should know by now that things are not this simple.  This is simply not enough:

    Usually people want to UNDO, what they have done. In an editor like SDL Studio it is e.g. writing, inserting tags, inserting TB entries etc. Just all the normal actions you do in an editor. All the actions, that should normally be undone with "UNDO".

    This is working fine for me.  So on this basis we'll never fix anything.  I don't see anyone else complaining about the undo the way you are and you are not helping me to narrow this down at all to some specific action, or interference, that might be triggerring this.  It could easily be caused by something you have running on your machine and we'll never be able to reproduce it.

    Try paying close attention to what you last did when the undo failed.  Perhaps there is something you just didn't notice before but actually helps you to reproduce the problem.

    You could also provide me with your Studio logs after this happens.  Maybe we'll get lucky and find something in  there.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Just to add a tiny bit of information for SDL's investigation: I am another user of both Studio 2019 (latest version) and AHK who has this problem occasionally. Not sure if it has happened for individual files, but it does happen occasionally for multiple virtually merged files. I don't suppose AHK is interfering, somehow, but I thought I would mention it.

  • Thanks for your honesty Paul.

    I think it might be a good idea for you guys at SDL to yourselves test which shortcuts are dead (and have been for years). Then, if you don't foresee being able to fix them in the short term (which I fully understand btw), please god: at least (temporarily) remove any mention of them in the UI and help docs, as it is extremely frustrating to keep running into things that just don't work. It's less depressing if the user isn't told about them to begin with, as you can't miss what you don't know. 

    All in all though, I must admit that I am using Studio more and more lately as it is very snappy (in general) when compared to e.g. memoQ, which (although an excellent tool) has just gotten too slow over the years. Scrolling through the grid in memoQ 9.2 makes me want to die screaming.


  • Hi Adrian,

    Thank you for your feedback regarding the Undo option.

    We would like to investigate this issue further, but as this could not reproduced each time, we need to have more details.

    It would be helpful if you could confirm the following:

    1. the version of Studio you are using, if you have the latest Cumulative Updates installed

    2. the actions you tried to complete before using the Undo

    3. if you notice this on specific file, projects, packages

    Thank you



  • Whenever you believe that the culprit is AutoHotkey, you can Suspend temporarily the AutoHotkey script.

    To do so, right-click on the AHK green icon in the task bar, and select Suspend Hotkeys. If the problem persists, probably it has nothing to do wit AutoHotkey.

    Also, sometimes AutoHotkey scripts cause the CTRL key to hold down for ever. In these cases, pressing once the CTRL key may help.

  • Hi Sorina and Paul,

    I wrote a lengthy answer but received an error message after hitting Reply and lost all the work.. Apparently I had to "join" this group to be able to post replies, but it would be good not to discard the users' drafts when they try to post without joining the group – maybe even disable the "Reply" button in such case. But that's another story for another time.

    I had issues with undo while working through the workbook for the advanced certification for translators. Basically I just opened one file for translation (with the auto-created project), made changes in editor, then opened another file in the same way, made changes in the editor and undo remained disabled.

    Here is a video repro.

    The files used are the sample files from the aforementioned course (section 6 – folder is 06_FileTypes, files are Command.docx and Sample.idml)

    Can you please look into it?

  • Dear Adrian and others,

    Until this morning I had not read about this issue nor had I read any of this exchange. Clearly, for you Adrian, this is a very emotive issue and I understand your frustration as well as I understand Paul Filkin's attempts to understand the problem. Like many others on this forum, I have been in intermittent contact with Paul since the launch of Studio 2009 in July 2009 - what fun we had in those days, I can tell you! I almost blush to think of some of the things I wrote to him back then.

    My reason for writing this message and for appearing to contribute to this debate is simply to try to understand what is happening. I must say that after reading the exchanges, I am no closer to understanding what is happening. If I press my Alt key to bring up the single letter codes (as in your screenshot) to operate the menus, pressing 2 provides me with the list of available Undo operations. However, after pressing the Alt key, when I press Ctrl+Z for Undo, my computer beeps to tell me I have made an error and cannot use the function in this way.

    I would also add that, for me, Undo works in Studio, has always worked in Studio, and is working now in Studio (fully updated version running on Windows 10 Pro). Over the nearly-11 years of using Studio, I have been part of many forums (Yahoo, ProZ, previous SDL and now this Community). I generally use standard set up of my software (Windows, Studio, etc.) while making use of built-in options to customise, such as appearance of folders, colours, SDL appstore apps  really just the software-based tweaks. I have observed many problems reported by others in these forums and frequently learn that, when more details are revealed, the users are significantly modifying their PC set up. This might extend from using AutoHotKey (a minor modification in the grand scheme of things) to working with partitions, virtual machines, other operating systems (for which Studio is not specifically written) and other more exotic (to me) configurations. 

    My point is that the options for possible configurations are endless. While generally compatible, it will always be possible for any user to contrive a configuration or combination of software running at the same time to generate conflicts in the PC operating system that have an adverse effect on one or more of the programs running. If ever you have the opportunity to do so, try working with Studio in an 'out of the box' installation on a new PC with Windows 10 as supplied and configured and with nothing else installed. I think you will find the Undo / Ctrl+Z will work, as well as everything else in Studio.

    If you cannot define clearly the conditions under which you experience this 'bug', it will not be possible for Paul to reproduce it. So far, you have not done so and he has been unable to do so.

    Finally, please let me emphasise that, if it is not clear to you from his messages, Paul Filkin is on your side and wants to help. While he remains an amazing source of support for us users, I sometimes imagine he must be a thorn in the side of some SDL senior management! Power to your elbow, Paul.

    With kind regards and the hope this will get sorted out to your satisfaction.
    Dr Simon Cole

  • Well said, 

    Those early days of Studio when there were only a few of us on the Community were indeed fun. We were a small group of good friends, working together to beta test or help others with the software. We learned from each other, encouraged each other and worked together to make Studio and MultiTerm the amazing software it is today. 

    We all understood it was a work in progress, and that's what it will always be!

    Stay safe!

    Ali x