add/import already translated excerpts to target translation in edit window without copy/paste to each cell

Trados Studio screenshot showing the process of dragging a translated excerpt from a source document into the target translation edit window.

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[edited by: Trados AI at 8:26 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
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    It would indeed!  But working with a CAT tool is a bit more controlled than Microsoft Word or Excel because of the many different file formats that are supported and because there is often hidden content between the visible segments.  So a few reasons, for example:

    • Trados requires a one-to-one alignment of source and target segments.
    • Multi-line text conflicts with structured file formats like XLIFF.
    • Pasting multiple lines bypasses TM and QA checks.
    • Tags and inline elements could be disrupted.
    • Misalignment risks make it impractical without additional controls.

    You may well be dealing with texts that don't contain anything of concern... but how does the tool know this?  The best approach is to align your files first, then pre-translate from the TM you create during the alignment.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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