quick access toolbar problem in 2021

Has anyone else had problems customising the quick access toolbar in Studio 2021. When I add extra items some of them don't appear at all (e.g. save target as) and some of the other items that were already there temporally disappear (until I reopen Studio)

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    So much for customer service.

    Broken features in the software is a different thing to customer service... but I know where you're coming from.  I think now would be a good time for someone using this feature (like you perhaps) to validate the problem and we can follow up.

    If I review the thread to repro now in 2024 I see these issues mentioned:

    1. make some changes - they disappear
    2. make some changes - they don't take effect in the first place
    3. no possibility to remove features we don't need to simplify the ribbon

    The first two are bugs if we can repro, and the third is an enhancement request because I don't think this was ever possible.  So the third one needs to go into the ideas site for the product manager to review and plan in -  Trados Studio Ideas .  There are a few ideas already in there around this toolbar but perhaps what you're after isn't specifically there: https://community.rws.com/search?q=quick%20access&group=533

    On 1.

    I tried adding these:

    Customize Ribbon window in Trados Studio with Quick Access Toolbar tab open, showing various commands like Open Project and Prepare FrameMaker 7 Files.

    This gets me this:

    Trados Studio Quick Access Toolbar displaying icons for Save, Create Project Package, and other features.

    Problem #1 : 8 displaying and I should have 10.

    I played around for a while and they all remained so it would be good to have some instructions on what might trigger this?  I restarted and they are all still there.  So I'll leave this for at least a few days and see if they stay there.

    On 2.

    I wonder if this is related to exceeding the limit exposed in Problem #1.

    Perhaps someone can confirm and in the meantime I'll revisit this thread if anything changes in my setup.

    Perhaps also worth noting (in case you didn't know) that these settings are saved in this file:

    %AppData%\Trados\Trados Studio\Studio18\UserSettings.xml

    For example:

      <SettingsGroup Id="Ribbon.QAT.Locations">
        <Setting Id="CreateProjectPackageFromProjectAction">
          <RibbonQuickAccessToolbarLocationAttribute xmlns:i="www.w3.org/.../XMLSchema-instance" xmlns="schemas.datacontract.org/.../Sdl.Desktop.Platform.CommandBars">
            <InstanceAvailable i:nil="true"></InstanceAvailable>
            <InstanceName>Create Project Package</InstanceName>

    So one quick way to put things back (if for some reason this file is changing... which is also a possibility depending on how you're working) is to copy the entire <SettingsGroup Id="Ribbon.QAT.Locations"> once you set it up and closed Studio and then at least you can easily put them back if needed.  But that is obviously a workaround.

    If you do have problems with this it would be useful to know how you're working... remote desktop, Citrix etc. or just on your own PC with you logged in as admin.  IT's also worth checking your security software to see if this is causing a problem.  Security software may detect certain files as suspicious or falsely identify them as threats.  If this happens it could then quarantine or delete the settings file, which obviously wouldn't be helpful!  Also, real-time scanning can also interfere with file reads or writes in this folder. This can easily be the cause of corruption, delays, or incomplete file operations which could result in the problems mentioned here.

    So just something else to check because I either don't see this as a widespread problem or nobody is using the feature!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 11:05 PM (GMT 0) on 8 Jan 2025]
  • As for customer service, first of all, heartfelt thanks for this swift answer. Then, about the problems, I've had #1 and 2 repeatedly. I always try not to change anything anymore when it works (if It ain't broke...), but software updates do occur and so, from time to time, I have to recustomize my application (quick access bar, shortcut keys, ribbons). Since I work on my own PC with me logged as an admin, the problem is definitely internal to Trados Studio. Glad to know where I can see the setup settings file. And I certainly will use the cut-and-paste workaround you suggest. Also, my feeling is that very few people use the feature, and when they do and encounter the bug, they do as I do: try and retry until it works, and then avoid changing it anymore, and just don't bother mentioning it. Hopefully, Trados Studio 2030 will bring the solution.
