Project showing as "Archived" in the projects view.

Hi All,

I am using SDL Trados Studio 2021 SR1 -

A project I am currently working on is suddenly being displayed as having "Archived" status in the projects view. I can still work on the project, but I have no Batch Tasks available.

I have no idea why this status has changed to "Archived", nor do I know how I can change it back to "In progress".

Thanks for any help,

  • Interestingly enough, I have seen this happening with some local projects. Our workaround is to remove the project from the list and opening it again. 

    We are working with RWS support to see if we identify the cause for this. It is very strange because these are local projects in wichi Project Server was never involved. I wonder why Studio is marking (randomly) some projects as Archived. Could it be that there is some shortcut combination that marks projects as Archived?


    Is this a cloud project? 
    Not only GroupShare projects can get the status "Archived", but also Studio "cloud projects". 
    See here: RWS Documentation

  • It is a local project. I repaired Trados 2024 called "Workaround 1", followed by "Workaround 2": renamed the XML files BaseSettings, plugincache, UserSettings located in C:\Users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Trados\Trados Studio\Studio18) allowing Trados to reinitialize.
    This caused the project in question (not others) to disappear altogether.
    Then I followed which eventually got the project back to "In Progress".


    Good workaround!
    It would, however, be interesting to know why this happens. I am not aware of any documented archiving scheme for local Studio projects (as opposed to GS projects).
    Are you aware of such a mechanism?


    There isn't such a mechanism for archiving with local projects.  The ProZ post is referring to finalised projects and referring to them as archived... which technically is incorrect.  If you use the Finalise batch task then this will effectively close the project after updating the TMs and getting the target files out.  All that means is that you will have to use the Revert to SDLXLIFF feature if you wish to work on it again as the batch tasks will be missing or greyed and when you try to open the file you see this:

    A dialog box in Trados Studio asking if the user wants to revert the native file to SDLXLIFF format before opening, with Yes and No options.

    Once you do that everything is available again.  Frankly I have never understood or seen any value in this feature, I think it's just an irritation.  But that's just my personal opinion.  To avoid it don't Finalise.  You can update your TMs with a batch task, if you haven't actually been updating them as you work which is what I think the majority of users do anyway, and you can save the target files whenever you like with a Shift+F12 (File -> Save Target As) or run the Export Files batch task.  Don't use Generate Target files as this also will have the effect of causing you to have to Revert to SDLXLIFF if you ever want to open them again or apply any tasks to the project.

    But irrespective of any of this, none of these things will change the status of the project so it's removed from your Project list.

    To lose a Project from your Projects list there are a few reasons why this could happen...

    1. You mark it as Complete:
      Trados Studio project context menu with an option to 'Mark as Complete' highlighted, indicating how to change the status of a project.
      This can have a keyboard shortcut although not by default.  So worth checking you didn't add one and then use it by mistake.  Although even if you do mark it as complete it will still show under the default settings for projects as this is always status "Show all projects".  It'll only disappear if you do all of this and then filter on status "In Progress".

    2. You can also remove the project from your list:
      Trados Studio option to 'Remove from List' for a project with a keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Alt+F4 displayed, showing how to remove a project from the list.
      This one does have a default shortcut so worth checking that doesn't match something you routinely use for something else, and maybe you trigger it at the wrong times?

    3. Your Projects.xml file in your Studio projects location could be on a synched drive... OneDrive for example, ad if you have synch issues which can occur for many reasons such as projects with large files, or OneDrive errors (does happen... Microsoft are not whiter than  white!) then it's not impossible that an older version of the projects.xml could replace the one you are working with and then any new projects you created, whilst not being lost from your computer, could be lost from the Projects list.

    But in the case of Mikael it sounds as though he probably just finalised the project with one of the batch tasks mentioned at the start of my reply.  The use of the term archiving is misleading in this thread.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 11:27 AM (GMT 1) on 21 Sep 2024]
  • "The use of the term archiving is misleading in this thread."

    Hi, Paul,

    I am not sure about the others in this thread but in our case, when we have this situation, we are talking really about "Archived" projects, not "Completed" projects. The option to revert to in progress is not even available.

    It is a random issue and we have no idea how Studio marks some local projects as "Archived" because we are not using Project Server nor Cloud servers.

    Luckily it does not happen often! Slight smile


Reply Children

    It is a random issue and we have no idea how Studio marks some local projects as "Archived" because we are not using Project Server nor Cloud servers.

    Perhaps, when this happens again, you can share the sdlproj file with me?  I double-checked with the product team and there isn't a mechanism for desktop projects to be archived... only GroupShare projects... so it is odd.

    I tried to repro this in some way but can't... only if I actually archive a GroupShare project that has been downloaded to Studio.  As soon as I archive it in GroupShare I see this in Studio:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing three projects. The first project is named 'butlerow_NL_txt_nl-NL_de-DE' with status 'In Progress'. The second project 'Edison_01' is marked as 'Archived' and is a Trados GroupShare project. The third project '01-PS' is 'In Progress'.

    I'd love to see how this happened for you... can you share a screenshot of the projects view as I did here?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 3:25 PM (GMT 1) on 24 Sep 2024]
  • Sure, will do. If you would like to see more details, the RWS Support case is this one: 00655714 (title: Local project (not server based project) marked as Archived in the Studio project list. No batch tasks are available) There are some sample projects in the ticket, if you are curious.

    As it was not easy to reproduce, it did not happen a lot and it was easy to solve (remove from the project list and open again), we agreed to close the ticket with this resolution:

    "the issue reproduces randomly, a 3rd party app is involved in the project creation stage, possibly a cause are projects created in Studio 2019 and then edited in 2021, removing the project from the list and re-adding it corrects the project status"

    Our projects are created via  the API using templates but the issue does not appear just after creating the projects but some point randomly. The connection between Studio 2019 and Studio 2021 was seen as possibility but could never be stablished.

    It's hard to say whether our users are having it because it they might just be applying the workaround but we will keep an eye. We will moving soon to Studio 2022.
