Project showing as "Archived" in the projects view.

Hi All,

I am using SDL Trados Studio 2021 SR1 -

A project I am currently working on is suddenly being displayed as having "Archived" status in the projects view. I can still work on the project, but I have no Batch Tasks available.

I have no idea why this status has changed to "Archived", nor do I know how I can change it back to "In progress".

Thanks for any help,

Parents Reply
  • Sure, will do. If you would like to see more details, the RWS Support case is this one: 00655714 (title: Local project (not server based project) marked as Archived in the Studio project list. No batch tasks are available) There are some sample projects in the ticket, if you are curious.

    As it was not easy to reproduce, it did not happen a lot and it was easy to solve (remove from the project list and open again), we agreed to close the ticket with this resolution:

    "the issue reproduces randomly, a 3rd party app is involved in the project creation stage, possibly a cause are projects created in Studio 2019 and then edited in 2021, removing the project from the list and re-adding it corrects the project status"

    Our projects are created via  the API using templates but the issue does not appear just after creating the projects but some point randomly. The connection between Studio 2019 and Studio 2021 was seen as possibility but could never be stablished.

    It's hard to say whether our users are having it because it they might just be applying the workaround but we will keep an eye. We will moving soon to Studio 2022.

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