Confirming segment ADDS new entry instead OVERWRITING the old one in the TM

Hi, we are experiencing quite strange behaviour since quite a time. When cleaning files in Studio  the entries in the TM gets duplicated. And I am sure we have the right settings chosen.

My problem NOW is, that when I change a segment and save it using CTRL+Add or CTRL+ALT+ENTER, Studio creates a new entry.

One by one:

I have 2 TMs, one for the HMI and one for the manuals.

I change the translation and I get this:

Strange enough, the old translation moves to the second row, being saved in the othe translation memory (which is not activated for updating).

As we have had some problems with duplicated entries, we always use the setting for overwriting the entries, not the one merging.

As far as I can seen, it seems to happen, when the creator of the entry is different to the one changing and saving it.
Any idea what is happening here? This is why I don't youse the merge option as I was afraid this had caused this behaviour in the past.

I use the latest update of Studio2021.



Parents Reply
  • Apparently it doesn't seem to be a big issue in the commuity so I don't think that someone at Trados is really looking into it. I made the experience, that as also myself, I have no time reporting and following up on all these things, others may have the same problem and do not report. Although - as you say Andre - it really makes you question the use of TMs.

  • If it's not a big issue in the community that the TM is picking not the segment you just corrected but the old one that contains an error, then I wonder what the community is busy doing. Joy Oh I know. Busy trying to get work done while firefighting all the bugs in Studio, so that we have no time reporting them. Not to forget being forced to pay for a new upgrade every two years where there are minimal improvements plus a flurry of new bugs since software developers don't seem to test anything anymore. Wink

  • This may be a bit exaggerated, but at the moment I do indeed have several bugs in Studio 2024 and just can't manage to work them up properly to report, although some of them mean that we can't use studio 2024 at all.

    I would still like RWS to take a look at these and many ‘smaller’ requests instead of  trying to invent the big changes.

     , even if there is no time for reporting, I am still surprised at the (missing) number of upvotes?!

  • Though, I see, there are now votes here, just in the ideas section. Maybe it would make sense to add some kind of vote also here, to see the amount of consent.
