xlf-documents cannot be converted to sdlxlf

Hey there,

I have a range of xlf-documents for translation. Unfortunately, many of those documents cannot be translated in Trados Studio 2014. The problem is that they cannot be converted to sdlxlf. The exception says that the index is out of range. Though, these documents can be converted if I use Trados Studio 2011. 

The problem seems to be limited to certain trans-units. If I delete some trans-units, the document can be converted to sdlxlf and hence, translated.

I have prepared a document including 5 trans-units, as well as a document containing the trans-units that work (tu1, tu3 and tu5) and a document containing the trans-unit that cannot be converted to sdlxlf (tu2 and tu4). (Unfortunately, I was not able to upload xlf-files, so I uploaded them as xml-files)

For me, it seems like there might be a problem with the different tags ...

Hope, anyone can help me with this issue, since I have quite many documents with the same problem.

Many thanks in advance

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:okp="okapi-framework:xliff-extensions" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" xmlns:itsxlf="http://www.w3.org/ns/its-xliff/" its:version="2.0">
<file original="[Content_Types].xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<file original="word/styles.xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<file original="word/document.xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<trans-unit id="tu1" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><x id="1" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="2" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">ABC</g></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><x id="1" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="2" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">ABC</g></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><x id="1" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="2" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">ABC</g></mrk></target>
<trans-unit id="tu2" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">This </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">text</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> is to illustrate the problem. This segment cannot be converted to sdlxlf.<ex id="5" equiv-text=""/></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">This </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">text</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> is to illustrate the problem.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This segment cannot be converted to sdlxlf.<ex id="5" equiv-text=""/></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">This </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">text</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> is to illustrate the problem.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This segment cannot be converted to sdlxlf.<ex id="5" equiv-text=""/></mrk></target>
<trans-unit id="tu3" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">On the other hand, </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">this Segment</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not trigger any problem.</g></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">On the other hand, </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">this Segment</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not trigger any problem.</g></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">On the other hand, </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">this Segment</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not trigger any problem.</g></mrk></target>
<trans-unit id="tu4" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This is the next trans-unit. This trans-unit <ex id="1" equiv-text=""/><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">cannot</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> be converted </g><x id="6" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="7" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">into sdlxlf</g><x id="8" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="9" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> either. There is a problem, <ex id="9" equiv-text=""/><x id="10" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="11" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">though this problem</g><x id="12" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="13" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not exist using Trados Studio 2011.</g></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This is the next trans-unit.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This trans-unit <ex id="1" equiv-text=""/><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">cannot</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> be converted </g><x id="6" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="7" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">into sdlxlf</g><x id="8" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="9" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> either.</mrk> <mrk mid="2" mtype="seg">There is a problem, <ex id="9" equiv-text=""/><x id="10" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="11" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">though this problem</g><x id="12" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="13" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not exist using Trados Studio 2011.</g></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This is the next trans-unit.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This trans-unit <ex id="1" equiv-text=""/><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">cannot</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> be converted </g><x id="6" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="7" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">into sdlxlf</g><x id="8" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="9" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> either.</mrk> <mrk mid="2" mtype="seg">There is a problem, <ex id="9" equiv-text=""/><x id="10" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="11" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">though this problem</g><x id="12" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="13" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not exist using Trados Studio 2011.</g></mrk></target>
<trans-unit id="tu5" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This trans-unit can be converted as well. No problem here.<ex id="1" equiv-text=""/></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This trans-unit can be converted as well.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">No problem here.<ex id="1" equiv-text=""/></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This trans-unit can be converted as well.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">No problem here.<ex id="1" equiv-text=""/></mrk></target>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:okp="okapi-framework:xliff-extensions" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" xmlns:itsxlf="http://www.w3.org/ns/its-xliff/" its:version="2.0">
<file original="[Content_Types].xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<file original="word/styles.xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<file original="word/document.xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<trans-unit id="tu1" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><x id="1" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="2" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">ABC</g></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><x id="1" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="2" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">ABC</g></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><x id="1" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="2" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">ABC</g></mrk></target>
<trans-unit id="tu3" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">On the other hand, </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">this Segment</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not trigger any problem.</g></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">On the other hand, </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">this Segment</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not trigger any problem.</g></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">On the other hand, </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">this Segment</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not trigger any problem.</g></mrk></target>
<trans-unit id="tu5" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This trans-unit can be converted as well. No problem here.<ex id="1" equiv-text=""/></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This trans-unit can be converted as well.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">No problem here.<ex id="1" equiv-text=""/></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This trans-unit can be converted as well.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">No problem here.<ex id="1" equiv-text=""/></mrk></target>

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff version="1.2" xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" xmlns:okp="okapi-framework:xliff-extensions" xmlns:its="http://www.w3.org/2005/11/its" xmlns:itsxlf="http://www.w3.org/ns/its-xliff/" its:version="2.0">
<file original="[Content_Types].xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<file original="word/styles.xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<file original="word/document.xml" source-language="de-de" target-language="en-gb" datatype="x-undefined" okp:inputEncoding="UTF-8">
<trans-unit id="tu2" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">This </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">text</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> is to illustrate the problem. This segment cannot be converted to sdlxlf.<ex id="5" equiv-text=""/></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">This </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">text</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> is to illustrate the problem.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This segment cannot be converted to sdlxlf.<ex id="5" equiv-text=""/></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><g id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">This </g><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">text</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> is to illustrate the problem.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This segment cannot be converted to sdlxlf.<ex id="5" equiv-text=""/></mrk></target>
<trans-unit id="tu4" xml:space="preserve">
<source xml:lang="de-de"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This is the next trans-unit. This trans-unit <ex id="1" equiv-text=""/><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">cannot</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> be converted </g><x id="6" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="7" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">into sdlxlf</g><x id="8" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="9" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> either. There is a problem, <ex id="9" equiv-text=""/><x id="10" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="11" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">though this problem</g><x id="12" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="13" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not exist using Trados Studio 2011.</g></source>
<seg-source><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This is the next trans-unit.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This trans-unit <ex id="1" equiv-text=""/><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">cannot</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> be converted </g><x id="6" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="7" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">into sdlxlf</g><x id="8" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="9" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> either.</mrk> <mrk mid="2" mtype="seg">There is a problem, <ex id="9" equiv-text=""/><x id="10" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="11" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">though this problem</g><x id="12" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="13" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not exist using Trados Studio 2011.</g></mrk></seg-source>
<target xml:lang="en-gb"><mrk mid="0" mtype="seg"><bx id="1" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/>This is the next trans-unit.</mrk> <mrk mid="1" mtype="seg">This trans-unit <ex id="1" equiv-text=""/><x id="2" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="3" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">cannot</g><x id="4" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="5" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> be converted </g><x id="6" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="7" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">into sdlxlf</g><x id="8" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><bx id="9" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""/> either.</mrk> <mrk mid="2" mtype="seg">There is a problem, <ex id="9" equiv-text=""/><x id="10" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="11" ctype="x-g" equiv-text="">though this problem</g><x id="12" ctype="x-x" equiv-text=""/><g id="13" ctype="x-g" equiv-text=""> does not exist using Trados Studio 2011.</g></mrk></target>

Parents Reply
  • Hi both, apologies for the lengthy wait.  This was quite tricky and the support team confirmed the problem for me yesterday.  Here's the full detail.

    The problem is caused by the <bx>-<ex> tag pairing + the segmentation marker that splits this pairing. They have managed to isolate the problem in your file.

    As seen in the screenshot above, you have the <bx> and <ex> elements which have the same ID.

    Workaround #1

    If you change the <ex> id value to 6, the file will open in Studio

    Workaround #2

    Try and rework the segmentation inside the trans-unit

    Workaround #3

    Probably the best way to make the files work, is to replace <bx> and <ex> tags with <ph> tags

    Wordaround #4

    Use Studio 2011 for now.

    Goiong forward we'll look to fix this in a future release by adapting the tag pairing to use placeholders under these specific circumstances.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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