Out of memory error when trying to save large files in Studio 2014:

When I edit very large Xliff files in a project - more then 20 MB - I cannot save my changes to the file. Instead, I get an "out of memory" error. I have changed the setting limiting the Xliff file size, to 40 MB, but the problem persists.
I have closed down all other application on the computer and watched memory usage in Task Manager. Studio issues the error when usind anything between 500 MB and 1 GB memory and when there is well over 2 GB memory available in the system.

Is there any solution or workaround to this? So far, the only workaround was that my contractors sent me split files, which of course is not something they want to do very often ...

  • The change you've done for the files on your system does not affect any files created elsewhere. So in fact you would need to ask your contractor to change this setting prior to creating the SDLXLIFF file. However, you would need to lower the limit of the embedded file size in SDLXLIFF to zero IMO to make it more feasible for your system.
    As personally I do not have such error messages on any of my systems, the question appears, which system do you use? Is this a Windows XP computer with 32 bit OS? If so, I'm afraid you need a new one... Same applies to mainly any other OS with 32 bit, as such systems will not be able to deal with huge files.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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  • First of all, thank you for your reply.

    The setting I changed is a Project Setting within Studio 2014, and I was told by ma contractor to change this as a solution. The only improvement was that Studio doesn't crash when I try to edit the larger files.

    My system is Windows 7, but yes, 32 bit, because at the time when I had to make a decision, most of my projects were still in SDLX, and my contractor - SDL themselves, by the way - told me that SDLX could not be run on a 64-bit system. If that information was correct I don't even know ...
  • So in such situation please ask the contractor to change the setting prior to creating a project, as it affects the size of the source file embedded within the SDLXLIFF. Changing this setting after the creation of SDLXLIFF has no effect and any side effects you've seen shouldn't even be connected with it...

    BTW, SDLX does start well on my Windows 8.1 64 bit machine...


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

  • Hi Monika

    There are no issues with running SDLX on a 64-bit OS. There was a known issue with the generic delimited filter where you were not able to access the filter settings on a 64-bit OS but I have just tested this on my system and there appear to be no issues.



    Fas Aziz | Desktop Life Cycle Service Manager | SDL | Support Operations, Support Lifecycle

  • Thank you both for your answers!

    Oh dear, asking my contractors to change the setting before creating their projects will probably never work, but I will try. I am pretty sure that it would fix my problem, because the error message is generated by Studio, not by my system.

    Nonetheless, I will definitely switch to a 64-bit OS as soon as my PC requires changes, I was rather put out by having to stick to 32 bit last time, and somehow I have always suspected that it wasn't even necessary ... *sigh*

    Anyway, I'll try to get my contractror to change the setting prior to embedding the files, and if they actually do this and this fixes the problem, I'll come back here and report about it. I am glad anyway that I have something I can work with now.