Out of memory error when trying to save large files in Studio 2014:

When I edit very large Xliff files in a project - more then 20 MB - I cannot save my changes to the file. Instead, I get an "out of memory" error. I have changed the setting limiting the Xliff file size, to 40 MB, but the problem persists.
I have closed down all other application on the computer and watched memory usage in Task Manager. Studio issues the error when usind anything between 500 MB and 1 GB memory and when there is well over 2 GB memory available in the system.

Is there any solution or workaround to this? So far, the only workaround was that my contractors sent me split files, which of course is not something they want to do very often ...

  • Thank you both for your answers!

    Oh dear, asking my contractors to change the setting before creating their projects will probably never work, but I will try. I am pretty sure that it would fix my problem, because the error message is generated by Studio, not by my system.

    Nonetheless, I will definitely switch to a 64-bit OS as soon as my PC requires changes, I was rather put out by having to stick to 32 bit last time, and somehow I have always suspected that it wasn't even necessary ... *sigh*

    Anyway, I'll try to get my contractror to change the setting prior to embedding the files, and if they actually do this and this fixes the problem, I'll come back here and report about it. I am glad anyway that I have something I can work with now.
  • Thank you both for your answers!

    Oh dear, asking my contractors to change the setting before creating their projects will probably never work, but I will try. I am pretty sure that it would fix my problem, because the error message is generated by Studio, not by my system.

    Nonetheless, I will definitely switch to a 64-bit OS as soon as my PC requires changes, I was rather put out by having to stick to 32 bit last time, and somehow I have always suspected that it wasn't even necessary ... *sigh*

    Anyway, I'll try to get my contractror to change the setting prior to embedding the files, and if they actually do this and this fixes the problem, I'll come back here and report about it. I am glad anyway that I have something I can work with now.
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