Options in Term base

Hello, I work in the French-English direction and I have two questions concerning searches in the terminology database:

1. How can I ensure that the TB search window does not only show me the terms that begin with the word I have typed in the search bar but also those that contain this word. E.g.: if I search for the translation of "« vaccination obligatoire » (source) by typing "obligatoire" I am not offered anything and the message "No results available" appears. However, if I type "vaccination", the terms "vaccination", "vaccination obligatoire ", "etc" appear in my window. How can I activate this option?

2. And is there an option to search for terms from both my source and target language (i.e. English for me)? I would like the French word to appear when I type the term in English.

Thank you in advance for your reply. 

Charlotte BOUCAULT

  • Hi ,

    Thank you for the clear explanation of your situation so that I can be able to advise further.

    2. And is there an option to search for terms from both my source and target language (i.e. English for me)? I would like the French word to appear when I type the term in English.

    Please can you open your Project Settings and go to Termbases>Search Settings. In there check the settings you have, especially concerning the "minimum match value", if you can try and lower the percentage so that the search may cover a wider area of results.

    I encourage you to have a play with the settings there, so that the results match the criteria you need in your terminology search:

    Trados Studio Project Settings window showing Termbases and Search Settings with options for search terms, minimum match value, and search order.

    In addition, the documentation also may be handy to further explore and see more details for the options:


    2. And is there an option to search for terms from both my source and target language (i.e. English for me)? I would like the French word to appear when I type the term in English.

    Currently integrated terms search + term recognition is on source side. However, you can still see all the languages supported in theTermbase Viewer window, on the left side pane

    Termbase Viewer window in Trados Studio displaying a list of terms with English and German translations for 'dry location'.

    Hope the above helps clarify things a bit more!


    Oana Nagy | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:48 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Hello, 

    Thank you for your answer. It was clear for the first question. For the second one, I would like to know if there is a way to enter the target words to obtain all the source terms. Thats for people working in one way and the other. With your example is there a way to enter "trockenen Ort" to obtain "dry location and others terms if  "trockenen Ort" has other entries. 

    Thanks in advance for your answer,


  • Hi Charlotte
    You can search in any language combination simply by adjusting the source and language field before doing the search. 
    If you set the search to be from German to French, you will get something like this:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing a search from German to French with results for 'EU-Charta der Grundrechte' in German and 'Charte des droits fondamentaux' in French.

    and if you reverse it, something like this:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing a reversed search from French to German with results for '200258CE' in French and 'e-Privacy-Richtlinie 200258EG' in German.

    You can set the search to any language that you have in your termbase. By definition, a termbase is not bilingual like a translation memory, but multilingual and you can at any time set the language direction you want to use. 

    Also, concerning you first question related to searching for a string that is in the entry and not the term itself, you can set the type of search here:

    Trados Studio screenshot displaying search options with 'Recherche en texte int gral' selected, indicating a full text search in the termbase.

    If you switch to "Recherche en texte intégral" MultiTerm will return all entries where your search string is contained anywhere in the entry (even in Notes).
    Try it out. 

    Bonne chance.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:48 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Hi Charlotte
    You can search in any language combination simply by adjusting the source and language field before doing the search. 
    If you set the search to be from German to French, you will get something like this:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing a search from German to French with results for 'EU-Charta der Grundrechte' in German and 'Charte des droits fondamentaux' in French.

    and if you reverse it, something like this:

    Trados Studio screenshot showing a reversed search from French to German with results for '200258CE' in French and 'e-Privacy-Richtlinie 200258EG' in German.

    You can set the search to any language that you have in your termbase. By definition, a termbase is not bilingual like a translation memory, but multilingual and you can at any time set the language direction you want to use. 

    Also, concerning you first question related to searching for a string that is in the entry and not the term itself, you can set the type of search here:

    Trados Studio screenshot displaying search options with 'Recherche en texte int gral' selected, indicating a full text search in the termbase.

    If you switch to "Recherche en texte intégral" MultiTerm will return all entries where your search string is contained anywhere in the entry (even in Notes).
    Try it out. 

    Bonne chance.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 6:48 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]