Licences do not activate in safe mode


I am facing Windows 7 issues.

Waiting for the problem to be fixed, I would like to work on a project, but on launching the product (Translator workbench) I am told to enter the licence number but  a message then appears to say it's impossible to check the licence and puts me in demo mode, but my TM is too big.

I tried with PC disconnected but got the same issue.

Anything I can do to work off-line or in safe mode?



  • The problem in Windows was caused by a log file: C/ProgramData/SDL/ProductTelemetricsService/Studio3/Log.txt
    Antivirus software, Windows, Note pad every program trying to open/read it would cause the whole system to hang.
    I renamed it log.old
    Now I still can't access any of my products, I tried to reinstall Studio 2014 SP2 with no avail.
    Should I re-install 2014, 2014 sp1 &2014 sp2?
    Is there anything else I should do ?
  • Eric,

    I'm a bit confused... you mentioned 'Translator workbench' in your first post but now you're asking about Studio...

    These 2 items of info are conflicting and it sounds as if you've got problems that go beyond the SDL Trados products.

    I don't see how the Studio Log.txt file would cause a problem, unless you haven't added Studio to your Antivirus safe/ignore list.

    If you were able to work with the Product before, what has changed since everything was working OK?

    BTW the error you refer to is covered here:
    And here:

    in the first instance, it's a problem caused by Nalpeiron licensing and analytical software

    In the last instance it's a particular piece of antivirus software (Eset Nod 32 Anti-Virus) that is causing the issue and recommends uninstalling it, activating Studio then reinstalling the antivirus. I would think after that you'd have to add the SDL products to an exclusion list for the antivirus.

    Hope this helps.
  • Hi Ali,

    Thanks for this feedback.

    In fact 2 days ago when I started my Pc Windows 7 was just hanging at launch after reaching the desktop.
    After fixing we figured out that the file I mentioned was causing the said problem.

    Windows 7 being up again, I couldn't access any SDL product, because of lack of licence recognition.
    I uninstalled Studio 2014 then reinstalled it and it's now working fine.

    Unfortunately I followed the same procedure with Trados 2007 with no avail.
    I can't open any of them (Tag editor, Workbench) but in demo mode. I am asked to register or to buy, but when I enter my licence key number another error message appears saying "impossible contacting activation server (error 50003).

    So now the first error message has disappeared (it was linked with Studio).
    I do actually have Eset installed and the bug appeared after an update of the antivirus software.
    I will follow the said procedure and will let you know.

    Thanks a lot!

  • Hi Ali,

    Thanks for this feedback.

    In fact 2 days ago when I started my Pc Windows 7 was just hanging at launch after reaching the desktop.
    After fixing we figured out that the file I mentioned was causing the said problem.

    Windows 7 being up again, I couldn't access any SDL product, because of lack of licence recognition.
    I uninstalled Studio 2014 then reinstalled it and it's now working fine.

    Unfortunately I followed the same procedure with Trados 2007 with no avail.
    I can't open any of them (Tag editor, Workbench) but in demo mode. I am asked to register or to buy, but when I enter my licence key number another error message appears saying "impossible contacting activation server (error 50003).

    So now the first error message has disappeared (it was linked with Studio).
    I do actually have Eset installed and the bug appeared after an update of the antivirus software.
    I will follow the said procedure and will let you know.

    Thanks a lot!
