Error message when opening project package

Hi everyone,

I have just tried to open a project package that a client has sent me, but I get an error message (copied below). This is the second consecutive time that this has happened to me - last time, the client had to send me an alternative format. I did have Trados Studio Starter but I have just upgraded to Freelance 2014 and I'm having the same problem

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Error processing command line arguments: An error occurred extracting the package. Wrong local header signature

USAGE: SDLTradosStudio.exe [/help|/?] /arg1 val1 /arg2 val2

Task: NoAutoUpdate
Description: Starts the application without automatically checking for updates.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /noautoupdate
 /noautoupdate Starts the application without automatically checking for updates.

Task: Open Alignment
Description: Opens an alignment in the Alignment View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openAlignment <alignment>
 /openAlignment The full file path to the alignment you want to open.

Task: Create Project
Description: Starts the Create Project wizard.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /createProject [/files <file1> [<file2> <folder1> ...]] [/name <name>] [/template <template>] [/referenceProject <referenceProject>]
 /createProject Starts the Create Project wizard.
 /files The full file path of one or more documents or folders to add to the Create Project wizard.
 /name The name of the Project
 /template An existing template name or file path to use.
 /referenceProject An existing reference project file path to use.

Task: Open Document
Description: Opens a document or a number of documents in the Editor View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openDocument <document1> [<document2> ...]
 /openDocument The full file path of one or more documents to open.

Task: Open File Based TM
Description: Opens a file based TM or a number of file based TMs in the TM View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openFileTm <file tm1> [<file tm2> ...]
 /openFileTm The full file path of one or more TMs to open.

Task: Open Package
Description: Opens a package in the Package View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openPackage <package>
 /openPackage The full file path of the package to open.

Task: Open Project
Description: Opens a project in the Projects View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openProject <project>
 /openProject The full file path of a Project to open.

Task: Open Server Project
Description: Opens a server project in the Projects View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openServerProject <project URI>
 /openServerProject The URI of a Server Project to open.

  • Hi Laura

    "Wrong local header signature" usually means that the package you are trying to open is corrupted or something else went wrong.
    One question is how are you exactly downloading these files? Also, would you be able to upload one of these packages for viewing?
  • Hi Jesse,

    Thanks for taking the time to reply.

    The translation agency has sent me an email with the package (SDLPPX) as an attachment. I download it, click on open and then this error message appears. When they send single documents (SDLXLIFF), I have no problems opening them in Trados.

    Sorry for being dense but when you say upload a package, do you mean create a return package? I can do this fine with other packages but I can't open the files in the recent SDLPPX packages at all. I even tried renaming the package as a ZIP file and opening with WinRAR, but it tells me the files are corrupt.

    Like I said, this is the second time running that this has happened, with two different projects. This led me to believe it was a problem at my end. The issue only seemed to crop up when I ran out of TM units with the 2014 Starter Edition, but I don't know if this was pure coincidence. In any case, I now have the Freelance edition.

  • Hi Laura,

    A couple ideas:
    1) Always wait a few seconds to make sure the download is completely finished before opening it right away.
    2) Try downloading the file from a different browser or email client and see if that doesn't solve the problem.

    > do you mean create a return package?
    No, I was asking if it was possible to send me the problem package so I could take a look at it here.

    > I even tried renaming the package as a ZIP file and opening with WinRAR, but it tells me the files are corrupt.
    Right. Basically the package is becoming corrupt somehow. It could be due to the software you use to download it (or settings) or it could even be a problem on the web server.
  • Hi Laura,

    A couple ideas:
    1) Always wait a few seconds to make sure the download is completely finished before opening it right away.
    2) Try downloading the file from a different browser or email client and see if that doesn't solve the problem.

    > do you mean create a return package?
    No, I was asking if it was possible to send me the problem package so I could take a look at it here.

    > I even tried renaming the package as a ZIP file and opening with WinRAR, but it tells me the files are corrupt.
    Right. Basically the package is becoming corrupt somehow. It could be due to the software you use to download it (or settings) or it could even be a problem on the web server.