Error message when opening project package

Hi everyone,

I have just tried to open a project package that a client has sent me, but I get an error message (copied below). This is the second consecutive time that this has happened to me - last time, the client had to send me an alternative format. I did have Trados Studio Starter but I have just upgraded to Freelance 2014 and I'm having the same problem

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance,


Error processing command line arguments: An error occurred extracting the package. Wrong local header signature

USAGE: SDLTradosStudio.exe [/help|/?] /arg1 val1 /arg2 val2

Task: NoAutoUpdate
Description: Starts the application without automatically checking for updates.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /noautoupdate
 /noautoupdate Starts the application without automatically checking for updates.

Task: Open Alignment
Description: Opens an alignment in the Alignment View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openAlignment <alignment>
 /openAlignment The full file path to the alignment you want to open.

Task: Create Project
Description: Starts the Create Project wizard.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /createProject [/files <file1> [<file2> <folder1> ...]] [/name <name>] [/template <template>] [/referenceProject <referenceProject>]
 /createProject Starts the Create Project wizard.
 /files The full file path of one or more documents or folders to add to the Create Project wizard.
 /name The name of the Project
 /template An existing template name or file path to use.
 /referenceProject An existing reference project file path to use.

Task: Open Document
Description: Opens a document or a number of documents in the Editor View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openDocument <document1> [<document2> ...]
 /openDocument The full file path of one or more documents to open.

Task: Open File Based TM
Description: Opens a file based TM or a number of file based TMs in the TM View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openFileTm <file tm1> [<file tm2> ...]
 /openFileTm The full file path of one or more TMs to open.

Task: Open Package
Description: Opens a package in the Package View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openPackage <package>
 /openPackage The full file path of the package to open.

Task: Open Project
Description: Opens a project in the Projects View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openProject <project>
 /openProject The full file path of a Project to open.

Task: Open Server Project
Description: Opens a server project in the Projects View.
Usage: SDLTradosStudio.exe /openServerProject <project URI>
 /openServerProject The URI of a Server Project to open.

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