Hello, there is a similar thread, but it’s over five years old, and my problem is slightly different. (Old thread: https://community.rws.com/product-groups/trados-portfolio/trados-studio/f/studio/13312/confirm-but-not-update-tm-sdl-trados-studio-2017 )
How can I confirm a segment and avoid updating the TM? I often have of segments where I am sure that the sentence will never ever crop up again, so why clog the TM with that? What is more, sometimes there reappears a sentence that is in the TM already and which has a different meaning in the new context… which may be a rare context, so I would like to keep the standard translation in the TM.
The other (unproblematic) new segments of course should still be updated.
Has a solution been devised in the meantime?
Thanks in advance,
and best wishes