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Progress display in files

Since I updated Trados, the progress shown in the progress column in files view is wrong. 

Is there anything I can do to have the correct progress shown?

Or is there some new algorithm that calculates the progress and can I chose somewhere the formula for it?

Thank you!

[locked by: Paul at 7:29 AM (GMT 1) on 19 Oct 2022]
Parents Reply Children
  • "This is working as intended. The way progress percent is computed was changed to use the counts of Segments rather than that of Words (because otherwise segments with just empty space and/or tags were disconsidered."
    This has worked great so far. Why does someone have the idea to change that? What nonsense! 
  • Hi Lydia S,

    Thank you for your answer. Yes, I am using the Trados Studio 2022 with the latest CU.

    This is really not helpful at all!!! When I am checking how much I have left of the project, I want to know how many words I have left to translate. The number/percentage of segments left untranslated is irrelevant, since it gives me no indication regarding the volume of work I still have to do!!!!
    It would be great to at least have the option to select whether I want the percentage to show me segments or words, as it is in the file.

    Can anything be done in this direction?


    Can anything be done in this direction?

    Perhaps you can use the Work In Progress Report?  Many users are not aware of the existence of this report but it is quite useful.  Run the batch task called "WIP Report":

    Screenshot of Trados Studio's Work in Progress Report showing summary, task details, and confirmation levels for a French project with various segments and words counted.

    You might also find the simple confirmation statistics is easy to use.  Just select your project or your file and look at the "Confrmation Statistics" tabat the bottom of your screen:

    Screenshot of Trados Studio's Confirmation Statistics tab displaying a bar chart with word counts for different confirmation levels such as Not Translated, Draft, and Translated.

    This has worked great so far. Why does someone have the idea to change that? What nonsense! 

    Well... it depends on what you think the "Progress" column is supposed to be measuring.  If you don't think handling tags and empty segments is relevant then that's where your opinion differs from many others who recognise that everything is work you have to address.  So the progress bar should reflect this.  It's certainly not nonsense!

    If you just want a wordcount then perhaps one of the suggestions above will be useful for you too.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 8:42 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Paul said: "Well... it depends on what you think the "Progress" column is supposed to be measuring. "

    Since I started working with Trados (2015), this progress bar has been a reliable indicator. And as Simona Weiss writes, the current form is useless. I also don't think anyone has complained about it or likes the current form.
    Why does Trados go and change something like this that nobody wants? And why not just undo it?


    Since I started working with Trados (2015), this progress bar has been a reliable indicator. And as Simona Weiss writes, the current form is useless. I also don't think anyone has complained about it or likes the current form.

    You haven't been using the software for long and I imagine you don't have much insight, if any, into what requests we have from our userbase.  You also haven't answered my question about far more useful indicators of progress.

    I have explained that the reason this was changed is because it was actually inaccurate.  Perhaps you only ever translate very basic documentation and have never come across the sort of files which would cause this progress bar to be incorrect?  Perhaps you could even share a screenshot showing what you are looking at and explain why it's a problem for you?  Maybe we're not even looking at the same thing?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Sorry Paul, I started using Trados in 2015, and you say that I haven't been using this software for long. Seven years not long enough to see what is good and what is not good? 

    And you imply that I translate only basic documents. You cannot judge that.

    You are rigt, I have not much insight into what your userbase requests. But in this forum I can'f find any request for changing the method of counting the progress. But now are at least two entries who do not like the change.

    If a few demanding users prefer the new calculation method, why do you bump all the other users in the head?
    Wouldn't it have been better to offer the new calculation method in addition and leave the old one as it was (and as it still is in the editor window)?

    You accuse me of not answering a question - what question and where is it?

    I get the impression that you don't care what users write. You change the program as you see fit, and users should take it as it is.


    But in this forum I can'f find any request for changing the method of counting the progress. But now are at least two entries who do not like the change.

    You think this forum is the only place we receive requests?

    I have not much insight into what your userbase requests.


    And you imply that I translate only basic documents. You cannot judge that.

    Well... if you did then you would probably be happy about this change.

    You accuse me of not answering a question - what question and where is it?


    Perhaps you can use the Work In Progress Report? 
    You might also find the simple confirmation statistics is easy to use.  Just select your project or your file and look at the "Confrmation Statistics" tabat the bottom of your screen
    If you don't think handling tags and empty segments is relevant then that's where your opinion differs from many others who recognise that everything is work you have to address.  So the progress bar should reflect this. 

    The last one isn't a question exactly, but perhaps you can explain why you have a problem with the change made in the progress column in the files view.  You have not shown me once why your opinion should carry any weight as it lacks context and recognition of the reasons it was changed.  Just because you used it for one thing doesn't mean that's what it was intended for.

    I get the impression that you don't care what users write. You change the program as you see fit, and users should take it as it is.

    Why would we do that?  Perhaps think that through!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Paul: "You have not shown me once why your opinion should carry any weight"

    And you think you would have done that?


    And you think you would have done that?

    Of course.  It's not your opinion because of who you are, it's because of what you have demonstrated and explained why it's wrong.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • I've looked at some other discussions in the meantime and seen that you never back down even an inch. Then there is no point in continuing here. 
