Confirming all segments at once

Hi everybody,

It would be great to add a "Confirm all" option to the menu below. Often, at the end of a translation, you have to use the spellchecker and fix some typos or to do some cosmetic adjustments, such as replacing " ' " with " ’ " in the whole document, which can affect many segments, moreover if it is a long translation. Then you have to confirm every modified segment one by one, which can be long. Unless I miss an option somewhere, there is no way to confirm everything at once.

I actually found a solution in the forum, that involves highlighting all the segments, then changing their statuts into "confirmed", then batch updating manually the main TM from the translated file, but it is not really satisfying, since it is not strait forward.

Why not adding a mere Confirm all command in the ribbon?

Trados Studio menu with options to confirm segments individually but no 'Confirm all' option present.

[edited by: Paul at 4:34 PM (GMT 0) on 18 Mar 2024]
  • Here's one way to confirm all segments: Click segment 2, then shift-click segment 1, then press Ctrl-Enter.

  • So funny, there's lots of discussion about the needs and the methods, but a much more efficient and up-to-date tool like MemoQ has features lik ethese incorporated  since ages....
    Product development with Trados is way behind competition. Some clients force me to use Trados, otherwise I wouldn't even bother to keep it on; MemoQ is so much more flexible, user friendly and efficient. 

  • Thanks for your popsitive appraoch, Paul, much appreciated.
    There is much to learn for me when it comes to Trados indeed, but the thing is; in MemoQ it's all so much more intuitive and less complicated. 
    In Trados the learning curve is slow and it's not for nothing that these questions about Trados functionality pop up again and again and effective answers are hard or even impossible to find. It's exactly why this question of Philippe was posted, and instead of a simple solution all kinds of complicated procedures were suggested.

    Now in my case I work on a pre-translated file in Trados with segments in various states, so if I follow your scheme I would have to select various types: Draft, Translated and Translation rejected I guess. How does the mouse selection even work with a multi page doc like this one of 25K words, where like a thousand segments need to be confirmed at once? I can't hover over multiple pages, can I? 

    In MemoQ it's simply called what it is: confirmed/unconfirmed, and I don't have to mouse select segments but I simply use Ctrl+Shift+A for selecting all segments and push the button 'Confirm'.

    I got triggered by the fact that Jerzy claims things that are not correct, trying to make MemoQ look bad; there's no need for that, if he's the expert he claims to be.

    Thanks again


    There is much to learn for me when it comes to Trados indeed, but the thing is; in MemoQ it's all so much more intuitive and less complicated. 

    I would have to say this is a matter of opinion.  I have used memoQ for a good 10-years or so by now and I still find it difficult to work with because I don't use it regularly.  When I first started looking at it I found it was easy to get started, but difficult to deal with more complex things.  These days I really think most things are easier in Trados.  But it's just an opinion and I'm sure we could debate this till the cows come home!

    It's exactly why this question of Philippe was posted, and instead of a simple solution all kinds of complicated procedures were suggested.

    I agree.  He wanted an easy way to confirm them all and I also think such a feature would be nice.  But there are many other ways to manage it.  If you look for a feature that's in another tool you use and it's not there and you prefer the other tool then no matter what anyone says you'll be unhappy.  That's life and it works both ways!

    so if I follow your scheme I would have to select various types: Draft, Translated and Translation rejected I guess. 

    Not really.  You could select translated and then click reverse.  That'll get you everything apart from your selection.

    How does the mouse selection even work with a multi page doc like this one of 25K words, where like a thousand segments need to be confirmed at once? I can't hover over multiple pages, can I? 

    Do you mean a multi-page Doc or separate files that you opened in separate tabs... instead of opening them all in one?  If you did the latter and opened them all the easiest approach would as Ali suggested.  Click the top left corner to elect everything you filtered on and then right-click to change the status to translated.  If you want the changes in your TM then you'd run a batch task to update.  Not as neat as the idea of having a confirm all button as requested by the original poster, but it would work.  Or do as I showed in the video.

    You don't need to have files open in separate tabs if they are part of the same project.

    In MemoQ it's simply called what it is: confirmed/unconfirmed, and I don't have to mouse select segments but I simply use Ctrl+Shift+A for selecting all segments and push the button 'Confirm'.


    I got triggered by the fact that Jerzy claims things that are not correct, trying to make MemoQ look bad; there's no need for that, if he's the expert he claims to be.

    Jerzy is without doubt an expert.  I think some of the content was misunderstandings and terminology.  I know Jerzy has used memoQ for a long time as well, but for the way he works he prefers Trados... simple as that.  Horses for courses"!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • In MemoQ it's simply called what it is: confirmed/unconfirmed, and I don't have to mouse select segments but I simply use Ctrl+Shift+A for selecting all segments and push the button 'Confirm'

    Use the filter as shown for "draft" to have "unconfirmed" segments selected. You can also have segments filtered by not translated, translated and or example Perfect Match or context match and many more. You can combine many filters here. And the best is: when you filtered for something you do not need to reset the filter to have a different setting. Just enter different conditions and filter again, this will work.
    Then press a shortcut assigned to "select all", which might be CTRL+SHIFT+A (it is in my case, but I do not remember the shortcut coming out of the box, so check via File - Options - Keyboard shortcuts) and use the command "Change segment status" from the Home tab. It is exactly as simple as in memoQ. And you will find out, that you can customize many more things in Trados as in memoQ.

    I do use memoQ still on very regular basis, but prefer to work in Trados.
    It was you who started to try to make things look bad. What you've done here was claiming things wouldn't work in Trados while these would work in memoQ, which is only partially true. Things do work in Trados, but a little bit differently. The learning curve for both programs is steep, but in my opinion, if you can use Trados, you can use memoQ. And the other way round.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

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  • Actually, for using both solutions, I still believe, IMHO, that Studio is the best one when it's about completeness, ergonomics, intuitivity and flexibility. When I refer to memoQ  in this thread or other ones, it's generally to regret that it shows where Studio should be on stability, bug fixing and speed matters after 15 years. But, while it is something subjective, I still prefer Studio for many reasons, including those I just mentioned.

    But some things still bother me, such as the one that gave birth to that thread, and the fact such simple ideas are still not implemented. Of course, as to that point, some of you proposed multisteps workarounds, but why not just one button to click on? 

    Last week, I completed the translation of two docs, for a total of 45,000 words. Since those were quasi identical, I was able to open both at a time, and fully take advantage of the auto-propagation feature, including for every change I had to make later. That is one of the many forces of Studio.

    Since we use curvy apostrophes in French, I usually have to search and replace all the straight ones with curvy ones at the end of my translation (that is because I dictate in Studio, and Windows Speech does not writes curvy apostrophes). This can impact 70 % of the segments, out of about 1,300. The problem with the lack of that function is that, in such a heavy document, I have to reconfirm all those segments. The workaround implying to tag all those segments as Translated, letting the changes unconfirmed in the memories (until I manually update them), forces to keep in mind that I will have to do it later. There are so many things to keep in mind and checks to do at the end of a translation that you do no want to add one thing more to that pile of todo's. Once again, a simple 'Confirm all' button would be easy to implement (everyone would be free to use it or not), and you cannot help wondering why, while it would be so easy to implement, Studio's team still chooses not to do it. It is contrary to one of the biggest qualities of that software, that is its flexibility and ability to be customized to each one's needs and way of working.

    As another example, another idea I suggested years ago was to improve the Comment dialog box, to allow bigger characters in it. Currently, they are really small and sometimes hard to read, after hours of work (and my vision worsens with age). On that point, memoQ's comment box is a real pleasure to use, since it is very legible. Here again, it is not a big thing to implement (just adding a font size display option either in the dialog or in the options), but it was not done. For being an amateur programmer myself, I know it would not take more than a couple of hours of work to implement it.

    I am aware it is not because someone suggests something that it has to be implemented, but some ideas would be easy to realize with few efforts and without making Studio heavier or debalancing it... If many ideas proposed here may require some in-depth changes, some other ones would be easy to implement and would help many people who do not necessarily follow that forum or actively or vocally express themselves here. Do not forget that most of the ideas suggested are the fruit of a long hand-on experience and express a real need.

    While Studio is really a great tool, the best one in my opinion, I am frustrated to see that our productivity or comfort are too often spoiled by such minor things. And, as for many here, those lacks gets more evident and frustrating when you see that competition (even if it may also have its weaknesses or less development constraints) is able to deliver on points where Studio doesn't. Sometimes, it would not lack a lot to satisfy many users and make Studio the perfect solution it could (and should) be.

  • Hello  ,

    First sorry for reacting onlly today to your post hereabove: due to my workload, I am terribly late in reading the countless Community Q&As. But, better late than never, I wanted to bring some fresh air into this tense and even aggressive exchange, especially on one side of the ringGrin.

    You started with spelling mistakes and that is where I am bouncing. "Modus operandum"? No: "Modus operandi"! "operandum" is a nominative and here you need a genitive, "opeandi". I deserve no credit: I graduated in engineering after attending six years of Latin (and four years of Ancient Greek). As  may understand, you cannot be sure of something unless you studied it in some depth.



  • Hello  

    OH my! You're absoluutely right! I notice other people spelling it incorrectly but then I go and do it myself. Must be my age! Thanks for pointing that out. Unfortunately, I can't correct it in my post as it's too long ago since I wrote it.

    When I was young, I assumed "operandum" was singular and "operandi" plural but I learned better as I aged. Now it would appear I'm returning to my second childhood a liittle faster than I would like, as I'm forgetting things more frequently with each year that passes. Ah well, we all make mistakes Wink

    Bien cordialement !

    Ali Smiley

  • Hi,

    Very useful video, but how do you mark all the segments if there are several thousand, I have tried to do this but it took almost a minute and I havent reached it halfways ... so I have tried   ctrl + enter and the program crashed, it seems like it was too much to process... though I have a very good laptopp. 
    It would be useful to have Mark all segments and Confirm all as a function on the ribbon, no to do it all manually as it doeas not work with large files and thousands of segments.  



    Hi Emi,

    I'm just adding a link to   here, in case he doesn't see your reply to him.

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley


    Very useful video, but how do you mark all the segments if there are several thousand, I have tried to do this but it took almost a minute and I havent reached it halfways ... so I have tried   ctrl + enter and the program crashed, it seems like it was too much to process... though I have a very good laptopp. 

    Indeed... doing this in the Editor isn't very performant.  But you can use the SDLXLIFF Toolkit for this, and it's not only fast, but you can do multiple files and even multiple projects if you wish.  Here's how it works:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Very useful video, but how do you mark all the segments if there are several thousand, I have tried to do this but it took almost a minute and I havent reached it halfways ... so I have tried   ctrl + enter and the program crashed, it seems like it was too much to process... though I have a very good laptopp. 

    Indeed... doing this in the Editor isn't very performant.  But you can use the SDLXLIFF Toolkit for this, and it's not only fast, but you can do multiple files and even multiple projects if you wish.  Here's how it works:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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