Confirming all segments at once

Hi everybody,

It would be great to add a "Confirm all" option to the menu below. Often, at the end of a translation, you have to use the spellchecker and fix some typos or to do some cosmetic adjustments, such as replacing " ' " with " ’ " in the whole document, which can affect many segments, moreover if it is a long translation. Then you have to confirm every modified segment one by one, which can be long. Unless I miss an option somewhere, there is no way to confirm everything at once.

I actually found a solution in the forum, that involves highlighting all the segments, then changing their statuts into "confirmed", then batch updating manually the main TM from the translated file, but it is not really satisfying, since it is not strait forward.

Why not adding a mere Confirm all command in the ribbon?

Trados Studio menu with options to confirm segments individually but no 'Confirm all' option present.

[edited by: Paul at 4:34 PM (GMT 0) on 18 Mar 2024]

    Hi Emi,

    I'm just adding a link to   here, in case he doesn't see your reply to him.

    All the best,

    Ali Smiley


    Very useful video, but how do you mark all the segments if there are several thousand, I have tried to do this but it took almost a minute and I havent reached it halfways ... so I have tried   ctrl + enter and the program crashed, it seems like it was too much to process... though I have a very good laptopp. 

    Indeed... doing this in the Editor isn't very performant.  But you can use the SDLXLIFF Toolkit for this, and it's not only fast, but you can do multiple files and even multiple projects if you wish.  Here's how it works:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hello Jerzy,

    This is a bit of a sidebar to the thread here, but might be helpful nonetheless. Having written that, I realise this is a late addition to the discussion.

    Another example of inflexibility in memoQ. You need to click every single error message in the QA report. I have never succeeded in moving around with keyboard.

    Using CTRL+Space will tick the error message off should you wish to mark it as "Ignore", and move to the next error line. CTRL+down/up allows you to move between lines. Correcting the error in the editor area above the report (you don't need to click in either editor pane to do so, TAB will move the cursor there, and also between Source and Target), then CTRL+Enter will also move to the next error line, and at once mark the respective error as corrected.

