Trados Studio 2021 term recognition only shows first occurring source synonym if multiple synonyms in source sentence

Here is another strange behavior related to the term recognition. I am beginning to unterstand frustration of so many Trados Studio users that I have read about in this Community.

Here is how Trados Studio term recognition fails now:

1. There is a termbase included in a project with an entry with several source synonyms.

2. There is a source sentence where two of these synonyms appear.

3. Both terms apparently are recognized because they both have a red line above them in the Trados Studio Editor.

4. In the term recognition window, however, only the first occurring synonym in the source sentence is shown.

When working like a professional translator does (fast), you will not be aware that the second synonym in the source sentence is actually in the termbase as a synonym.

The ideal term recognition would show all recognized terms of the source sentence, regardless of whether they are synonyms in the same entry or not.


    I am beginning to unterstand frustration of so many Trados Studio users that I have read about in this Community.

    We all do... but it's never enough to post like this without some means for us to reproduce the problem, or even understand a little about your specific environment.  For example:

    • I am using Trados Studio 2022 - and MultiTerm 2022 -
    • I have a project, en(GB) to it(IT), with one termbase attached
    • the file I'm translating is a txt file
    • when I come across a sentence in the source that has more than one synonym all three are recognised correctly with red overlines
    • however, the term recognition window only displays the first occurring synonym as shown below
    • these are the termbase settings I'm using:
      Trados Studio project settings showing termbase search settings with options for minimum match value, search depth, term repetition threshold, and search order.
    • I can easily reproduce this with a small sample file that I have attached for you to test, and also a small termbase containing matching terms (both in the attached zip):

    If you can provide something like this then we'll have more to go on.  The reason I ask for this is because if you test with the files I provided that contain everything you have described you will hopefully see why I also didn't include a screenshot of the problem.  I cannot reproduce this:

    Trados Studio editor with term recognition window displaying only the first synonym 'fonte' for the source term 'source' despite multiple synonyms being recognized in the text.

    Admittedly this is a very simplified example, but how else can we test this and achieve the same result you do?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 9:34 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]

    In fact immediately after posting this I now can see what you mean and I am reproducing it... doh!!

    I also don't know if this can be displayed another way, but I see the problem.  So short of  pointing out the error of my ways, I thnk you would be better off suggesting this as an enhancement in the ideas site:   Trados Studio Ideas 

    I still think providing better information would be helpful... but I apologise for my initial response given I concluded incorrectly after taking the time to reproduce it!

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

    Design your own training!

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    Thanks a lot for your reply! I know what you mean and agree with you that the information you asked for in your first reply above would be ideal to have. I provide support for our colleagues at the agency and our team also needs as much info as possible in order to solve problems efficiently.

    However, we also don't have the time to dedicate to these kind of bug reports. It already took a lot of my time to recognize what the problem was that my colleague experienced while translating and making sure that it actually is a problem. I did not even have to report it, because there is no immediate solution to it. We have to live with it. In contrast, RWS benefits from me pointing out this misbehaviour of the term recognition. So, I took the time and provided only the most necessary information to reproduce the problem.

    Anyway, I appreciate that you took the time to look into it and that you were able to reproduce what I meant. Having all appearing synonyms displayed individually in the term recognition would be ideal, I think.

    I will suggest the idea as soon as I find the time to do so.

  • Thanks   and   - yes, would be great to get an example ideally with screenshots in an idea so that we can see if we can provide this as an enhancement. I agree (and actually thought) that all synonyms are shown in the term recognition window also, but as you point out, that does not always (or even never?) seem to be the case. I'll also play with it a bit more to see how this works today. Thanks, Daniel 

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS

  • Replying to my own message - indeed Studio never seems to show the synonym in an additional entry in the term recognition window. This would be great to get as an idea so we can improve this behaviour hopefully down the line. Thanks, Daniel

    Daniel Brockmann
    Team Trados @ RWS

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