Creating/saving translation memory


I have a problem with creating translation memories- meaning, a file is always created, however, sometimes all goes well and sometimes the new file is empty!!! no translation units!!! I've tried creating the memory both with the option of the wizard and through project settings...

Any suggestions?




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  • Hi Halli

    Relieved to learn that your problem has now been solved. You are not the first one to stumble over this problem.

    BTW: to adjust the number of TUs shown in the "Translation Memory" view, go to "File - Options Translation Memory View" and put the number to its maximum (which unfortunately is still only 200).  But, it's at least better than just 50[:)]

    @SDL: this reminds me of a suggestion that has been brought in quite a while ago and has still not been accepted. It would be very helpful to have an indication in the status line at the bottom of the TM view, where one stands (which TU out of how many and especially which page out of how many pages in total). This kind of information, which is provided as a standard for example by search engines in browsers, would facilitate the navigation inside a TM and - my guess - avoid or at least minimise the risk of such misinterpretations like the one we saw here. If Hally had read a text such as "Page 1 / 12", she would probably have realised that she did not see the entire content of the TM and would have searched for a way to browse forward in the TM (even if she didn't know this before).
