How to translate csv files with Trados


Here is an example of file (out of 50) I have to translate in 3 languages

Screenshot of a CSV file with columns labeled service_location_id, language_id, and name, containing rows with language codes and the word 'Inconnu'.

In the settings, I selected csv files, source column 3, target column 5

Trados Studio project settings window showing file type settings for CSV with source column 3 and target column 5 selected.

But when I try to import the file, i got this message and the file doesn't get ready for translation.

Error message in Trados Studio stating 'The pre-analysis has not identified the file type' and 'The file does not conform to the specified settings - 0 lines out of 5 are valid.'.

What can I do? 

Thanks for your help,


Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 10:31 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
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  • well, this is another problem I have to solve. I have no idea how to proceed to treat it. 

    Actually, the output should be "EN_Unkwown", for example

    So, for each French entry (first segment), I need 3 translations. Is there a solution that could solve this?

    Thank you again for your help.


    Can you post the actual content of a short sample instead of a screenshot so we don't have type one up ourselves?  Also a sample of what the end result should be as I'm not confident I understand you properly and don't want to waste time guessing.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • driver_status_id language_id short_name long_name
    1 1 Actif Actif
    1 2 EN_Actif EN_Actif
    1 3 NL_Actif NL_Actif
    1 4 DE_Actif DE_Actif
    2 1 Inactif Inactif
    2 2 EN_Inactif EN_Inactif
    2 3 NL_Inactif NL_Inactif
    2 4 DE_Inactif DE_Inactif

    Result should be (automatic translation)

    driver_status_id language_id short_name long_name
    1 1 Actif Actif
    1 2 EN_Active EN_Active
    1 3 NL_Actief NL_Actief
    1 4 DE_Aktiv DE_Aktiv
    2 1 Inactif Inactif
    2 2 EN_Inactive EN_Inactive
    2 3 NL_Inactief NL_Inactief
    2 4 DE_Inaktiv DE_Inaktiv

    You said:

    source column 3, target column 5

    In this new example you only have four columns in the end result?

    But this explains it better for me... thank you.

    The least technical way is probably this:

    1. import to Excel, hide the rows with the language IDs you don't need.  So to translate into English (2) hide rows 1, 3 and 4.
    2. hide columns 1 and 2
    3. open in Studio and handle with the standard Excel filetype
    4. repeat for the other languages

    Out of interest, and because AI is my goto tool for anything I think might be an interesting test, I asked ChatGPT how to prepare the file in Excel as you don't want to have to keep clicking on each row one at a time.  The solution presented was this:

    First of all save your Excel as an "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook (*.xlsm)".

    You can then create a Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) macro in Microsoft Excel to hide rows based on the value in column B. To do this, follow these steps:

    1. Press ALT + F11 to open the Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) editor.
    2. Click on Insert and then select Module from the dropdown menu to insert a new module.
    3. Copy and paste the following code into the module:
      Sub HideRowsBasedOnColumnB()
          Dim ws As Worksheet
          Dim rng As Range
          Dim cell As Range
          Set ws = ThisWorkbook.Worksheets("Sheet1") ' Change "Sheet1" to the name of your worksheet
          Set rng = ws.Range("B1:B" & ws.Cells(ws.Rows.Count, "B").End(xlUp).Row)
          Application.ScreenUpdating = False
          For Each cell In rng
              If cell.Value = 1 Or cell.Value = 3 Or cell.Value = 4 Then
                  cell.EntireRow.Hidden = True
                  cell.EntireRow.Hidden = False
              End If
          Next cell
          Application.ScreenUpdating = True
      End Sub
    4. Replace "Sheet1" with the name of the worksheet you want to apply the macro to.
    5. Press CTRL + S to save the macro.
    6. Press ALT + Q to close the VBA editor.

    To run the macro, follow these steps:

    1. Go back to your Excel workbook.
    2. Press ALT + F8 to open the "Macro" dialog box.
    3. Select the macro named HideRowsBasedOnColumnB and click "Run."

    The macro will now hide all rows where the value in Column B is 1, 3, or 4.

    You can easily edit this to suit the languages you need after that.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Well, thanks a lot for your precious help, Paul. 

    I'll give it a try tomorrow. 

    Just one more question. I'll finally get a file per language. Is that right? How can I "merge" them all without copy/past to get the final file the client hopes to get? 


    If you are not doing the work sequentially then you will have a file per language.  So short of developing a technical solution to merge them the easiest way is probably to wait until you get all your translated files back and then just create a new project for FR-NL using the translated EN file.  Pre-translate it or Perfect Match it against the FR-NL project you created earlier.  Save the target file.

    Now using that target file create a new project for FR-DE.  Pre-translate it or Perfect Match it against the FR-DE project you created earlier.  Save the target file and job done... this target now contains all the translations in one file.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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