Search & replace multiple words/terms in pre-translated segments?

I often find myself doing multiple search & replace of the same words again and again in pre-translated segments and I'm thinking there's got to be a way to automate that somewhow, perhaps using a script. Any ideas?

  • Hello,

    Absolutely, Trados Studio has a feature that can help you with this. It's called "MultiTerm Replace" and it allows you to replace multiple terms in one go. Here's how you can use it:

    Step 1: Open your project in Trados Studio.

    Step 2: Go to the "Review" tab.

    Step 3: Click on "Search" in the "Editing" group.

    Step 4: In the "Search" dialog box, click on the "Replace" tab.

    Step 5: Enter the term you want to find in the "Search for" box.

    Step 6: Enter the term you want to replace it with in the "Replace with" box.

    Step 7: Click on "Add to List". This will add the pair to the list of terms to be replaced.

    Step 8: Repeat steps 5 to 7 for all the terms you want to replace.

    Step 9: Once you've added all the terms, click on "Replace All".

    This will replace all instances of the terms in the list throughout your project. Please note that this feature is case-sensitive, so make sure to enter the terms exactly as they appear in your text.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,


  • Excuse me, say what?!

    I'm not seeing "Editing" in the Review tab, but I do have it in my Home tab:

    Trados Studio Home tab showing options for Find, Replace, Select All, and Editing.

    I'm not seeing "Search", and Find and Replace simply open the normal Find/Replace window:

    Trados Studio Find and Replace window with tabs for Find and Replace, input fields for 'Find what:' and 'Replace with:', and various search options.

    Not seeing an "Add to list" option here.

    Can someone help me out? It sounds like an interesting feature.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 11:47 AM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
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