Unable to switch from Hunspell spellchecker to Word spellchecker


I used Studio 2022 professtional (recently updated). I noticed that Studio was set to Hunspell by default, so I changed it to Word, or so I thought. Word appears to be installed as an app on my computer (I also seem to have M365 access).

I recently looked at my settings again and they were switched back to Hunspell. I recently activated some macros in my normal.dot template in Word - could this be causing an issue/conflict?

Now when I try to set the Studio spellchecker to Word, I see a message (my Studio is in German: "Rechtschreibprüfungserweiterung kann nicht geladen werden. Es kann nicht ermittelt werden, ob Microsoft Word auf diesem Computer installiert ist."  Spellchecker extension cannot be loaded. It is not possible to determine if Microsoft Word is installed on this computer.)

Does anyone have a similar issue? This is my work computer and some settings (Trust Center settings in office applications, for example) are restricted for employees.


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