Term recognized in Editor but false translation does not show up in QA

Hi everyone,

I was wondering if anyone else was having this problem. A term from the source text is recognized by the term base in the Trados editor, the recommended translation is shown as well.

Screenshot of Trados Studio editor showing a segment with a term highlighted, indicating a term base match, but the translation does not use the recommended term.

Screenshot of Trados Studio term recognition window showing a source term and its recommended translation, with other terms redacted.

The translator did not follow the term base here, and the QA did not pick up on the word not being in the segment so I missed it as well. Of course, the client wasn't too happy about it.
As far as I know, I've used the right QA settings too, cf. screenshots below, or am I missing something? Other terms are being flagged and I checked the segment, there's no word that could be confused with it.

Screenshot of Trados Studio QA Checker settings with focus on terminology verification options, showing 'outdated' status selected.

Any help would be much appreciated! :) 

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: Trados AI at 12:12 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
  • Hello,

    It seems like you're experiencing an issue where the Quality Assurance (QA) check in Trados Studio is not picking up on certain terms that are not translated as per the term base. This can indeed be frustrating, especially when it leads to client dissatisfaction.

    Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue:

    Step 1: Check the Term Base Settings

    Ensure that the term base is correctly set up and linked to your project. Also, verify that the term in question is correctly entered in the term base with the correct source and target language pair.

    Step 2: Check the Language Pair

    Sometimes, issues can arise if the term has been added for a specific sub-language in your term base, but your source language in the project is different. For example, if the term is added for English UK in the term base, but your source language is English US in the project, the QA check might not pick up on the term. If this is the case, you might need to add the term for the specific sub-language used in your project.

    Step 3: Create a Termbase without Sub-languages

    If the issue persists, you might want to consider creating a termbase without sub-languages. This can help avoid issues related to terms not being recognized due to differences in sub-languages.

    Step 4: Update Trados Studio

    Ensure that you're using the latest version of Trados Studio. Sometimes, issues can be resolved by simply updating the software.

    Remember, the goal of the QA check is to help you ensure the quality of your translations. If it's not picking up on certain terms, it's important to investigate and resolve the issue to maintain the quality of your work.

    I hope these steps help you resolve the issue. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Hello,

    It seems like you're experiencing an issue where the Quality Assurance (QA) check in Trados Studio is not picking up on certain terms that are not translated as per the term base. This can indeed be frustrating, especially when it leads to client dissatisfaction.

    Here are a few steps you can take to troubleshoot this issue:

    Step 1: Check the Term Base Settings

    Ensure that the term base is correctly set up and linked to your project. Also, verify that the term in question is correctly entered in the term base with the correct source and target language pair.

    Step 2: Check the Language Pair

    Sometimes, issues can arise if the term has been added for a specific sub-language in your term base, but your source language in the project is different. For example, if the term is added for English UK in the term base, but your source language is English US in the project, the QA check might not pick up on the term. If this is the case, you might need to add the term for the specific sub-language used in your project.

    Step 3: Create a Termbase without Sub-languages

    If the issue persists, you might want to consider creating a termbase without sub-languages. This can help avoid issues related to terms not being recognized due to differences in sub-languages.

    Step 4: Update Trados Studio

    Ensure that you're using the latest version of Trados Studio. Sometimes, issues can be resolved by simply updating the software.

    Remember, the goal of the QA check is to help you ensure the quality of your translations. If it's not picking up on certain terms, it's important to investigate and resolve the issue to maintain the quality of your work.

    I hope these steps help you resolve the issue. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

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