The translation memory data file engine returned an error: constraint failed UNIQUE


I just uploaded an excel file to trados and I got this error. I am surprised because until now I have worked with this type of files and never had any problem.

This document has html language which is already configured. However I think the error is related to the TM, isn't it?

Trados Studio error message displaying 'Error: 1 (errors), 0 (warnings)' with details 'The translation memory data storage engine returned an error: constraint failed UNIQUE constraint failed:'.

Thank you.

Best regards,


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[edited by: Trados AI at 12:56 PM (GMT 0) on 29 Feb 2024]
Parents Reply

    You mention 

    However I think the error is related to the TM, isn't it?

    What happens if you create your project without this TM.
    Once you have your project - then run the batch task "Pre Translate" separately from the actual creation of your project.

    If the error does not occurs when you create your project without the TM - then it implies the error is TM related.
    If the errors occurs when you are pre-translating then it reconfirms the issue is TM related.
    If the error does not occur when separating the creation of project vs pre-translating - then that will imply there is something happening at project creation level.

    Depending on the outcome, I could then give further suggestions that is relevant 

    Looking forward to your confirmations


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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