Align Documents cannot align XLIFF 2.0 files

My client sent me 2 xliff files from Articulate. The one with Source and the one with Target. I need to create a TM from them for the new assignment.

I tried to align both files using Align function in Trados Studio but I got the error that XLIFF 2.0 is not supported. Then I created SDLFLIXX in a project and tried to align those files, but again it says  that XLIFF 2.0 is not supported.

My Trados verion: Trados Studio 2022 SR2 -

Please, let me know how to proceed. The files are confidential, so I can send only a sample.

Thank you!


    A sample would be good.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Thank you for your attention!

    I am attachnig the sample files with 3 segments each:

    Meanwhile as we needed to start the project on Friday we did the following:
    1. Create sdlxliff files from both source (A) and target (B).

    2. Export for external review in bilingual DOCX.

    3. Copy-paste the text from the B file into the target column of the A file. 

    4. Manually correct the missallignments in the DOCX file.

    5. Import back the bilingual A file into Trados (it did not want to do it until we removed all tags in the target column and this was the pitfall of this process)

    6. We updated a specifically created TM as a reference.

    I will be happy to do the alignment in Trados next time. :)

    So your help is highly appreaiated!

    Best regards,



    Thanks for the files.  I don't know exactly why this won't work so I will log this with support and we can create a bug as needed.  In the meantime, and in case it helps with some ideas going forward, I was playing around with OpenAI this evening and create a Python script that will sort this out.  This is what I did:

    1. opened the English source file in Studio as an en-bg project.  Copied source to target and saved the target file.
    2. run the script that asks for the bulgarian source file, then the en-bg xliff target I created (that contains only English in source and target)
    3. the script compares the IDs and if they are the same it puts the Bulgarian target into the en-bg file and saves an updated XLIFF as a new file

    The script is here in case you're interested:

    from lxml import etree
    import os
    def pretty_print_element(elem, level=0):
        # Function to add indentation and newlines to an XML element, recursively for all its children
        i = "\n" + level*"  "
        if len(elem):
            if not elem.text or not elem.text.strip():
                elem.text = i + "  "
            if not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip():
                elem.tail = i
            for child in elem:
                pretty_print_element(child, level+1)
            if not child.tail or not child.tail.strip():
                child.tail = i
            if level and (not elem.tail or not elem.tail.strip()):
                elem.tail = i
    # User input for file paths
    first_file_path = input('Enter the path to the first XLIFF file: ')
    second_file_path = input('Enter the path to the second XLIFF file: ')
    output_file_path = os.path.splitext(second_file_path)[0] + '_merged.xliff'
    # Load the XML content of both files
    first_tree = etree.parse(first_file_path)
    second_tree = etree.parse(second_file_path)
    # Define the XML namespace
    ns = {'x': 'urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0'}
    # Get the root of the XML files
    first_root = first_tree.getroot()
    second_root = second_tree.getroot()
    # Iterate through each unit in the first file
    for first_unit in first_root.xpath('//x:file/x:unit', namespaces=ns):
        unit_id = first_unit.get('id')
        # Find the corresponding unit in the second file
        second_unit = second_root.xpath(f'//x:file/x:unit[@id="{unit_id}"]', namespaces=ns)
        if second_unit:
            # Get the target node, or create one if it doesn't exist
            target_node = second_unit[0].xpath('.//x:segment/x:target', namespaces=ns)
            if not target_node:
                segment_node = second_unit[0].find('.//x:segment', ns)
                target_node = etree.SubElement(segment_node, f'{{{ns["x"]}}}target')
                target_node = target_node[0]
                # Remove any existing content in the target node
            # Get the source node from the first unit
            source_node = first_unit.xpath('.//x:segment/x:source', namespaces=ns)[0]
            # Copy all content from the source node to the target node
            target_node.text = source_node.text
            for element in source_node:
    # After updating the XML content but before writing it to a file
    for element in second_tree.xpath('//x:unit/x:segment/x:target', namespaces=ns):
    # Now write the updated and pretty-printed XML to a new file
    second_tree.write(output_file_path, xml_declaration=True, encoding='UTF-8', pretty_print=True)
    # Print a success message
    print(f"The XLIFF files have been merged and saved as: {output_file_path}")

    I ran it in the terminal of Visual Studio Code like this:

    Screenshot showing Visual Studio Code and the running of the Python script.

    Result and file was this:

    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:2.0" srcLang="en-GB" trgLang="bg-BG" version="2.0" xml:space="preserve">
      <file canResegment="no" id="Anti">
        <unit canResegment="no" id="6mC1hpNdo2N.Name" type="Articulate:PlainText">
            <source>Main Course</source>
            <target>Основен курс</target></segment>
        <unit canResegment="no" id="6T9xVpFJD5Y" type="Articulate:DocumentState">
            <data id="generic_1"><Style Justification="Center" /></data>
            <data id="span_2"><Style FontSize="20.9454517" FontIsBold="False" /></data>
              <pc id="block_0">
                <ph dataRef="generic_1" id="generic_1"/>
                <pc dataRefStart="span_2" id="span_2">Create your personalised training today!</pc>
      <pc id="block_0">
        <ph dataRef="generic_1" id="generic_1"/>
        <pc dataRefStart="span_2" id="span_2">Създайте Вашето персонализирано обучение днес!</pc>
        <unit canResegment="no" id="5eP0zufn63h" type="Articulate:DocumentState">
            <data id="generic_1"><Style /></data>
            <data id="span_2"><Style FontFamily="Text TF Book" FontSize="10.4727259" FontIsBold="True" FontIsItalic="False" ForegroundColor="lt1,00" LinkColor="lt1,00" /></data>
              <pc id="block_0">
                <ph dataRef="generic_1" id="generic_1"/>
                <pc dataRefStart="span_2" id="span_2">START</pc>
      <pc id="block_0">
        <ph dataRef="generic_1" id="generic_1"/>
        <pc dataRefStart="span_2" id="span_2">НАЧАЛО</pc>

    Which opens in Studio like this (tags fully expanded):

    Screenshot of the final updated XLIFF in Studio

    So now I can update into a TM.

    Interestingly after I gave up using Powershell as I could not quite get it right, it actually took about 10 mins to come up with the code and create the file.  So quite aneat solution I think for when things are not working as expected in Studio... and if you have more files like this to do probably a lot faster and more accurate too seeing as XLIFF maps neatly this sort of process and the IDs are checked.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you,  !

    This solution will certainly help other users before Trados team checks it.

    I will try to test it later this week.

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