suivi des modification

Quand "suivi des modifications" est activé, les apostrophes que je tape sont droits et non pas courbes

alors qu'ils le sont quand je ne suis pas dans "suivi des modifications".

Je dois les copier coller un par un, c'est très fastidieux. Que doit-je faire?


    What version of Trados Studio?

    What type of file?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    I have followed exactly what you said I cannot reproduce this.  Maybe the video below will help you spot what we're doing differently and you can help me to reproduce the issue:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul, 

    The problem is with curved apostrophes. Although curved apostrophes are set in my preferences, when I use track changes, the apostrophes that I type are always straight. So if you want to reproduce the bug, set first curved apostrophes in the settings, then use track changes and you will see that all you can type are straight apostrophes. See the contrast between de l'étude (with curved aspostrophe) and l'heure (track changes mode) where the apostrophe is straight.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing text with curved apostrophes in preferences but straight apostrophes in track changes mode.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 3:39 PM (GMT 0) on 21 Mar 2024]
  • Hi Paul, 

    The problem is with curved apostrophes. Although curved apostrophes are set in my preferences, when I use track changes, the apostrophes that I type are always straight. So if you want to reproduce the bug, set first curved apostrophes in the settings, then use track changes and you will see that all you can type are straight apostrophes. See the contrast between de l'étude (with curved aspostrophe) and l'heure (track changes mode) where the apostrophe is straight.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing text with curved apostrophes in preferences but straight apostrophes in track changes mode.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 3:39 PM (GMT 0) on 21 Mar 2024]
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