How can I set some phrases which should not be translated in TM settings?

We have some terms and phrases which is not to be translated, to avoid those terms be store in many difference TMs, is that a simple way to let Trados recognize those terms and phrases?

  • Hello,

    Yes, you can set certain phrases or terms to be recognized and not translated in Trados Studio. This can be done by using the 'Non-translatable' feature in the software. Here are the steps to do it:

    Step 1: Open Trados Studio and go to the 'Resources' tab.

    Step 2: Click on 'Non-Translatables'. This will open a new window.

    Step 3: In this window, you can add the phrases or terms that you do not want to be translated. You can add them one by one or import a list if you have many.

    Step 4: Once you have added all the terms, click on 'OK' to save the changes.

    Now, whenever you use the Translation Memory, these terms will be recognized and will not be translated. This way, you can avoid storing these terms in different TMs and ensure consistency in your translations.

    Remember, this setting is specific to each project, so you will need to set it up for each new project you start.

    I hope this helps! If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI


    The Ai is guiding you so so, I’d say…

    You can add variables to the Language Resources of that particular TM:

    Translation Memory Settings window in Trados Studio showing 'My TM' with 'Language Resources' selected. English (United States) has 'Custom' selected under Variable List.

    And add as many variables as you wish to the Source language. When you are done, don’t forget to upgrade the TM, so the variables are taken into account (in the Editor you’ll se a blue line below the variables).

    In theory, you could it from Project Settings, but there is a bug around and it’s better if you do it from Translation Memories view.

    Add a couple of variables, upgrade the TM and see if it works.


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: Trados AI at 10:57 AM (GMT 1) on 11 Apr 2024]
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