Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute; groupshare project

Hi there,

When I open a project with a TM accessed through groupshare, I get two error messages.

The first is:

'Die Terminologieerkennung wurde deaktiviert, weil keine Verbindung zu den Terminologiedatenbanken 'XXXX' und 'YYYY' aufgebaut werden konnte'

(translated: "Termbases 'XXXX' and 'YYYY' could not be connected so term recognition cannot use these termbases"),

it is followed by the second error message, when I click on the green book (termbase) symbol:

'Die Sammlung wurde geändert. Der Enumerationsvorgang kann möglicherweise nicht geändert werden.' (translated: "Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute")

I am working with Trados Studio 2021, by the way.

The Support at my translation agency suggested going to

C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\SDL\SDL Trados Studio\Studio16

and then renaming three XML files (BaseSettings.xml / Plugincache.xml / UserSettings.xml) by adding an underscore. That didn't work.

I also tried repairing Trados and Multiterm, that didn't work either. Any ideas where to take it from here?


    It seems to me from the error you listed that you dont have access to the GroupShare / MultiTerm Server.
    Is it just GroupShare / MultiTerm server you are accessing or is the entire project a GroupShare project?

    Things you can try/confirm

    • I assume you get this error within a project?
    • I assume you get this error even if you try go to File - Options - Language Pairs - Termbases  (meaning not project specific)
    • What if you try connect to this GroupShare / MultiTerm server in MultiTerm itself?

    To make sure we have covered the basics:

    1. Is your Studio connected to their GroupShare?

        If you go to File - Setup & Servers

        Do you see your GroupShare URL access with an active status.
        See mine is not available, so errors like what you are describing would be expected

     Trados Studio server list showing a server URL with a status of 'Not available'.

    2. Validate authentication details correct

        To test if your URL, username and password is correct do the following:

    • User the IE and past in your GroupShare URL provided
    • Try log in via the web

    3. Rest your log in details

    Assuming your authentication details are correct (because you can log into GS via the web) and it seems your authentication issues are local to Studio then try the following:

    • Close Studio 
    • Delete what you find here: C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Roaming\Trados\Platform\Identity\SDLTradosStudio.exe\SdlIdentityCredentials

    Let me know how you get on


    Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group

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    [edited by: Trados AI at 7:09 PM (GMT 1) on 1 May 2024]