Studio automatically makes copies of my TB!

Hello everybody, my question is why Studio sometimes creates copies of some of my TB!? I then never know which TB to use, the original TB or the copy!? Thank you for your help.

Parents Reply

    Sorry, my first impression was cloud. But looking onyour files I see big differences in sizes and save dates. I am quite certain it is not Studio, which duplicated the files, but it was you. Especially the file named "Kleidung - Kopie.sdltb" is something created by Windows Explorer, when one tried to insert a file with the same name into the same folder. When you select a file in Windows Explorer and pres STRG+C it will be copied. When you now press STRG+V the same file will be inserted in this location and Windows will add "Kopie" to its name. The best solution now would be to remove all duplicate files, leaving only the newest and biggest files.

    Should this unexpectedly happen again, check your user names in Windows. It is possible, that TBs have been created with another user logged in Windows as the user who now uses Studio.
