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Upgrade to Studio 2024 Pricing is abusive


RWS pricing policy is really abusive.

This will summarize the problem:
Upgrade from Studio 2014 FL+ to Studio 2015 FL+ : 140 CAD
Upgrade from Studio 2015 FL+ to Studio 2017 FL+ : 195 CAD
Upgrade from Studio 2017 FL+ to Studio 2019 FL+ : 264 CAD
Upgrade from Studio 2019 FL+ to Studio 2021 FL+ : 231 CAD
Upgrade from Studio 2021 FL+ to Studio 2022 FL+ : 182 CAD

And now :

Upgrade from Studio 2022 FL+ to Studio 2024 FL+ : 556 CAD !!!

Are you mad, at RWS? Do you think translators are millionaires? We can hardly increase our per word rates for years with our clients, and many of us, at this point, charge rates that are not far from what they charged 20 years ago.
In the same time, many translation agencies take advantage of neuronal translation and post-edition to try to lower many translators' rates.

Amid that, what makes you think you can triple Studio's prices, while the consumer price index is just about 1.5 x the one it was20 years ago?

Also, why such a difference between an upgrade from Studio 2022 FL to Studio 2024 FL (367 CAD) and an upgrade from Studio 2022 FL+ to Studio 2024 FL+ (556 CAD)? Almost $200 more just for the luxury of installing Studio on a spare machine, while you and I know you can only work on one machine (and instance of Studio) at a time!
Your pretext of using the cloud to transfer from your PC to your laptop is a bad faith one. Not all the translators want to use the cloud (e.g. for confidentiality concerns). And the requirement to deactivate your installation on your main computer to continue your work on your spare computer is nothing but an additional complication and stress for users. What if you travel and forgot to deactivate your main installation before leaving?

That's very disappointing from SDL/RWS I have been loyal to for 23 years.
I never missed an upgrade, I was in the very first ones to use Studio when it was released in June 2009, but, for the first time, I consider not upgrading. Mainly when I am pretty sure there will not be major enough changes in 2024 version to justify to an upgrade. I may have accepted to pay 350 CAD for an upgrade from FL+ to FL+, but not at the currently published prices.



[edited by: Philippe Riondel at 4:24 PM (GMT 1) on 26 Jun 2024]
[locked by: Paul at 9:40 AM (GMT 0) on 16 Jan 2025]
  • The reason for the steep price increase is that fewer translators are buying Trados and they have to compensate. The industry is shrinking. And why? All these so-called "AI" solutions are driving translators out of work as corporations prefer to use MT for their daily needs. Also, the developers find it very hard to come up with new features that will actually help the translators in any meaningful way. Development has stagnated. All they can come up with is more "AI" which will make the situation even worse! All they want is to collect more human input to improve their "AI" models, so that all of us are eventually out of work soon. There will be just big corporations left with their MT tools.

    In the mean time expect Trados to become a subscription service as impoverished translator will gradually refuse to pay premium for very little incremental changes that do absolutely nothing for them.

  • I do not think that AI will make Translation Memories obsolete. We will always want to save our past translations, at least for ensure consistency of our wording or remember past solutions we hardly found to a translation problem. Also, I observe post-edition of AI translated texts leaves many bad or erroneous translations that you would not see with human only translation. In other words, AI makes translators lazy (consciously or not). I think that there may be a return to traditional translation at a point, or to an intermediate solution.
    In my case, AI does not bring me a lot of gains in terms of time, since I dictate (RWS may work to improve that feature, BTW). For me, AI is just an aid when I search to have a first approach to a complex sentence or when I need synonyms. But it's another debate.
    As to the incremental changes you're speaking of, I have sometimes regretted here that RWS team develops features that only a few of us will actually use (cloud features for instance), while some bug fixes or improvements (e.g. a 64-bits version) are still pending.
    And all those considerations, as long as the explanations given above, do not justify the price gap between FL and FL+.
    Anyway, that price increase will just accelerate the move of translators away from Studio, and, honestly, it's sad news, since I do appreciate that software. For the first time of my life, I will not get the latest version of a professional tool. It's a pity.

  • What you might not realise is that every time you correct a segment and press enter your work is fed to an automation model (some people undeservingly call it "AI") and it is used to improve the model. In effect, by using MT features, you are digging a hole under yourself.

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