Using Xbench with Trados Studio 2022 Does Not Work Any More

Hi Paul,

Hope you are doing well.

Perhaps you have helped others to continue using their XBench subscriptions with Trados Studio.

The error message I am getting is attached (Method Not Found:  System string)


Also, the Search/Find and Replace function opens the usual pop-up window, but this window cannot be accessed.  I use two screens––I can see the S&R window when flipping through with "Alt-Tab," but I cannot put it on my screen to use it.

Can you help with these recent


Thank you in advance.

Kind regards,



    I guess a couple of things.  First, a screen shot of the error isn't helpful.  You need to click on the small disk symbol in the error message and save the error stack to your desktop.  This will be an xml file that you can then attach to your post.  That will contain the detail that might help analyse why you have this problem.

    Secondly, the best way to get support for this app would be to engage the developer.  On the appstore this would be via this link:

    But  might be able to help?

    I think it would also help if you provide some additional information since you said "Using Xbench with Trados Studio 2022 Does Not Work Any More".  Has anything changed?  Have you upgraded?  Have you installed anything else... any other plugins?  Have you tried removing all plugins apart from XBench?  What version of XBench are you using?

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hello Paul,

    Thank you for letting me know you had already answered (two days ago, apparently).  I was not made aware that you had--no email came.

    You have gathered by now that I have a love-hate relationship with Trados Studio... and SDL.

    The present problem:

    I first installed XBench on my previous version of Studio, that I had to replace recently by the 2022 version.  It worked very well with that previous version.  However, I was forced to upgrade when I moved to a new machine, and the link to download and install my previous version was not made available any more---forcing me to buy the program all over again.  So I now have the 2022 version on my computer.

    XBench worked very well on the previous version.  When I installed the 20022 version, I placed my Add-Ins on that version, less than a year ago;  Antidote worked very well right from the start.  Not Xbench (ApSIC Xbench 3.0).  It generated the error message I showed you.

    I am working full time on two large projects right now.  I have printed your recommendations and generated a record of the XBench error on Studio--there is no way to attach a file to this email, so I will to an email addressed to you.  Hopefully that record will help some.

    Thanks for your assistance.


    The impossible file!

    <SDLErrorDetails time="7/24/2024 8:45:31 AM">
      <ErrorMessage>Method not found: 'System.String Sdl.Core.Globalization.Language.GetDisplayName(Sdl.Core.Globalization.LanguageFormat, Boolean)'.</ErrorMessage>
        <Type>System.MissingMethodException, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089</Type>
        <HelpLink />
        <StackTrace><![CDATA[   at ApSIC.Xbench.Agent.HelpersPool.QAProject(FileBasedProject aProject)
       at ApSIC.Xbench.Agent.HelpersPool.QACurrentProject()
       at ApSIC.Xbench.Agent.XbenchIconActionInEditor.Execute()
       at Sdl.Desktop.IntegrationApi.AbstractAction.Sdl.Desktop.IntegrationApi.Extensions.Internal.IAction.Execute()
       at Sdl.Desktop.IntegrationApi.Internal.Adaptors.InternalActionAdaptor.Execute()
       at Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.CommandBars.SimpleActionExecuter.Execute(ActionData actionData)
       at Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.ResourceLoggingInternalCommandExecuter`1.ExecuteWithResourceLogging(TCommandData commandData, String message)
       at Sdl.Desktop.Platform.Implementation.CommandBars.ActionService.ExecuteAction(IAction action, ActionOrigin origin, Boolean allowToggle)
       at Sdl.Platform.UI.IgCommandBarAction.Execute()
       at Sdl.Platform.UI.IgCommandBarAction._lazyButtonTool_ToolClick(Object sender, ToolClickEventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase.OnToolClick(ToolClickEventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager.OnToolClick(ToolClickEventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsManager.FireEvent(ToolbarEventIds id, EventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ToolBase.OnToolClick()
       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonToolUIElement.DoClickProcessing(MouseEventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.ButtonToolUIElement.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.ControlUIElementBase.ProcessMouseUpHelper(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.ControlUIElementBase.ProcessMouseUp(Object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.Utilities.ProcessEvent(Control control, ProcessEvent eventToProcess, EventArgs e)
       at Infragistics.Win.UltraWinToolbars.UltraToolbarsDockArea.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)
       at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)]]></StackTrace>
        <ProductName>Trados Studio</ProductName>
        <OperatingSystem>Microsoft Windows 10 Home</OperatingSystem>
        <PhysicalMemory>15637328 MB</PhysicalMemory>


    I was not made aware that you had--no email came.

    Please check your spam folder.  I specifically tagged you so if you did not receive a notification from this the problem is certainly on your end.

    the link to download and install my previous version was not made available any more---forcing me to buy the program all over again.

    That is quite remarkable!  I just looked in your account and every version you ever purchased is still there available for download.  Where are you looking?

    RWS Account webpage showing Downloads section with options for Trados Studio 2022 SR2 CU10, Trados Studio 2021 SR2, and MultiTerm 2022 SR2 CU3 available for download.

    Not Xbench (ApSIC Xbench 3.0).  It generated the error message I showed you.

    Have you made sure that you are using the right plugin and also the right version of XBench as I asked?

    there is no way to attach a file to this email

    There is of course... you just use the Insert -> Image/video/file menu at the bottom of your post!  I'll add it to your post for you in case  reviews the thread since he is the developer and the person you should be contacting for support as it states on the apps record.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 4:12 PM (GMT 1) on 24 Jul 2024]

    Reviewing the error stack with a developer confirms that you need to be using the correct versions.  The developer doesn't use plugins as he prefers to bundle them into one installer for all so if you use the download link from the appstore you'll be directed to the website where the developer makes the versions available.

    If you cannot resolve the problem after installing the correct versions of the software then contact  at the link he provides for support in the appstore:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul,

    There was no message to tell me you had entered a response this time either.  There is no message in the Spam folder.  I am not surprised.

    I have contacted "submit-bug at XBench.

    Should you have good knowledge of the solution to this apparently simple problem, please let me know, explaining the steps one by one.

    Have a good day.



    Should you have good knowledge of the solution to this apparently simple problem, please let me know, explaining the steps one by one.

    Did you read my response?  I believe you need to be using the correct versions of XBench and plugin for the version of Studio you are using.  Have you tried this?  I recommend you do that before wasting the developers time.  If you have already made sure you are using the right versions then I'm sure the developer will be able to help you.  I certainly don't know how to solve this "simple problem".

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Hi Paul.  The link you provided did produce good results.  Sergi Martínez, of the Xbench Team indicated a new version of the Installer that did the trick, and made XBench (18) compatible with Studio 2022.  This is a very useful tool, now working, thank you pointing me in the right direction.

    I still do not receive emails indicating that you have responded, let alone seen my posts.  My Spam folder is not containing any emails from SDL.

    You may recall that there is another problem that affects this new-to-me 2022 version:  It has become impossible to use the Search/Search and Replace function of Studio.  I explained to you in my first communication that the window generated by a Ctrl-F or Ctrl-H command does not appear.  I can see it is present when I flip from window to window using Alt-Tab, but it is useless, as it remains inaccessible.

    Any ideas?  Have you read from other users who have encountered the same bug?  Thanks for letting me know..  Please be kind and send me an email when you have found a response, as this portal is incapable of doing that.  Have a great Friday and a good weekend--I will be working... that is, if my tools function properly.


    Sounds as though it's on another screen that you don't have attached now.  Try the solution here:,window%20back%20onto%20the%20desktop.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • I work with two screens.  Indeed it is seems to be a Windows 10 problem.  I found that a slightly modified version of the method explained in that "Misplaced window" article you pointed out to me to does the trick.  I highlight the Studio icon in the task bar, with a "fixed," locked taskbar.  The main window appears just above the taskbar, and next to it, the S&R or Search smaller window.  Right-clicking on that window.brings a pop-up, and if "Move" is chosen, an empty frame appears out of nowhere.  When the left button of the mouse is released, the smaller Search window finally appears normally in that empty frame.  Apparently, this added "feature" has been corrected in Windows 11, which I do not have yet.


    The exchange on SDL community messages or postings still does not generate any emails, legit or spam, so I am keeping the email you first sent and the link to access this community forum.  Perhaps the SDL engineers could fix this some day. 

    Thanks Paul, have a great weekend! 
