Issue during generating target translations

Hi Team,

I'm facing a technical problem while generating target translations.

Attached is our original file, a Bilingual Excel file with zhCN in column B as Source contents, and enUS in column C as Target contents.

original file.xlsx

We translated with Trados as a Bilingual Excel file type, sdlxliff attached below

 and run Generate Target Translations to export a translated file, attached below.

translated file.xlsx

The problem is unexpected spaces were added to the translated file.

Screenshot of a bilingual Excel file in Trados Studio with Chinese source text in column B and English target text in column C. Red arrows point to specific segments in the target text.

Check Trados sdlxliff file, you will find that there are no spaces added.

Screenshot of a bilingual Excel file in Trados Studio showing a list of segments. Some segments are highlighted with a green checkmark, indicating successful translation or review.

I also provide a trim compare file to help you check wich segments have the issue.

Trim Compare.xlsx

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 10:44 AM (GMT 1) on 20 Aug 2024]
  • Hello,

    I understand that you're experiencing an issue with unexpected spaces being added to your translated file when generating target translations in Trados Studio. This can indeed be a bit frustrating.

    Based on the context provided, it seems like you've already tried opening the source file in MS Excel and saving a copy using the 'Save as...' command. If this hasn't resolved the issue, you might want to try the following steps:

    Step 1: Open the source file in MS Excel and check if there are any hidden spaces in the cells. These could be causing the issue. If you find any, remove them.

    Step 2: If the issue persists, try recreating the bilingual SDLXLIFF file in Trados Studio. You can do this by creating a new project and importing the source file again.

    Step 3: If the problem still exists, you might want to check the settings in Trados Studio. Sometimes, the software might be set to add spaces for formatting purposes. You can check this in the 'Options' menu under 'Editor'.

    Step 4: If none of the above steps work, it might be a good idea to check if there are any updates available for Trados Studio. Sometimes, bugs like these can be fixed with an update.

    I hope these steps help you resolve the issue. If you need further assistance, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI

  • Hi  ,

    The additional spaces are indeed not visible in the segments, but if you go to the Review tab and select "All Content" in the "Display Filter" group, you will see the spaces between segments.

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing a segment comparison with source text in Chinese and target text in English. There are warning icons indicating potential issues.

    I am not able to reproduce this if I create a new project with your original file. What version of Studio was used to create the project?  And what settings were used under Project Settings > File Types > Bilingual Excel > Common?


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    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 9:15 AM (GMT 1) on 26 Aug 2024]