Issue during generating target translations

Hi Team,

I'm facing a technical problem while generating target translations.

Attached is our original file, a Bilingual Excel file with zhCN in column B as Source contents, and enUS in column C as Target contents.

original file.xlsx

We translated with Trados as a Bilingual Excel file type, sdlxliff attached below

 and run Generate Target Translations to export a translated file, attached below.

translated file.xlsx

The problem is unexpected spaces were added to the translated file.

Screenshot of a bilingual Excel file in Trados Studio with Chinese source text in column B and English target text in column C. Red arrows point to specific segments in the target text.

Check Trados sdlxliff file, you will find that there are no spaces added.

Screenshot of a bilingual Excel file in Trados Studio showing a list of segments. Some segments are highlighted with a green checkmark, indicating successful translation or review.

I also provide a trim compare file to help you check wich segments have the issue.

Trim Compare.xlsx

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 10:44 AM (GMT 1) on 20 Aug 2024]
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