How can I display match rates for terms in the Term Recognition pane?
I assumed they were displayed by default.

How can I display match rates for terms in the Term Recognition pane?
I assumed they were displayed by default.
Shosaku Takatani we dont support match rates for termbases.
Did I misunderstand you?
Lydia Simplicio | RWS Group
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Shosaku Takatani , Lydia Simplicio
I think this is what is meant:
I don't think you can turn this off. Could you paste a screenshot from your Trados Studio 2024 that does NOT have these match values? Important that you are in the “Term recognition” view, not in the “Termbase search” view.
Thank you for your reply, Daniel-san.
Here is a screenshot of the term recognition pane:
I’m wondering if match rates might not be displayed when the source language is Japanese.
Thank you for your reply, Lydia-san!
I'm experiencing the same problem, even when the source language is English (and the target language is Japanese).
I'm using the 2024 version to open a project I created with the 2022 version. Could this be the cause?
Thank you for your advice!
In addition to the setting you mentioned, I found another factor that may affect the match rate display.
To ensure the match rate appears in the term recognition window, you need to select the following two options:
1. The Show termbase checkbox in Hitlist Settings (as described in the post above)
2. The Search all termbases ... ... by term option in Project Settings > Termbases > Search Settings > Search Order (as shown in the screenshot below)
If you set the Search Order to "by termbase" (the 3rd option), the match rate will not be displayed.
Is this expected behavior, or is it just a bug?
I would like to see the match rates even when the terms are listed by termbase. I strongly hope this can be improved.
Thank you,
Thank you for your comments, Daniel-san and Sakura-san!
I selected the check box and option you suggested, and match rates are now displayed!
As Sakura-san mentioned, I also hope the program will be modified to display match rates when terms are grouped by termbase.
Thank you again.
In this community, you can post ideas if you wish for a certain functionality. I've done this for you in this case because I support your request:
Display Term Match Rates in all Termbase Search Modes
The more people upvote the idea, the greater the chance of it being considered...
I really appreciate it.