
I bought Trados 2024 and i can not find a way to work with scanned PDFs.

I downloaded IRIS which has not been updated for 2024 and it can not be activated as it is indicated in a message after the installment.

How can I resolve the problem?


  • I have exactly the same problem. Angry 

    I wish I had known this before purchase, I was working better with Trados 2019. 

    In the meantime, have you found a solution?


    The plug-in does'nt work. 

    Why doesn't it work?

    In the meantime, have you found a solution?

    It does work.  I have a 60 page PDF I downloaded from an EU site containing around 24k words.  I just converted it just now in 2024 to test:

    With my file and my test it worked.  So clearly your problem isn't as straightforward as it just doesn't work.

    • what sort of PDF do you have?  Is it image based, or text?
    • what options did you use when you tried?
    • How do you know it doesn't work?  Did it just stall... crash... what exactly happened?

    One thing I did notice in my tests is that since I saved the PDF in a OneDrive location, my first test caused me a problem because the file wasn't immediately available to me and it had to be downloaded from the OneDrive Cloud even though I just saved it there!!  To use a  ism... OneDrive is troublesome!

    Other thing I noted is that the second time I tested it seemed to hang, until I started Word anyway and when I did that there was a message window asking me to click ok to the conversion.  I waited a good 3 or 4 mins before I tried that.  But the next time I got the message before I even started Word.  A bit weird, and I think if I was to check the box in Word not to show the message again then after the first time all would be well.

    Anyway, perhaps you can elaborate a little, or try some of the things I just shared.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • The files are PDF scanned files (good scan quality but uneditable text in the pdf)

    I used all the possible options in trados 2024 (which are not the same as those offered in trados 2019). 

    In trados 2019 I never had this problem with this type of files and I never needed an external tool. 

    The plug-in continues to load without ever finalizing. 

    Is it necessary for me to have microsoft 365? I have an older version. 

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