
I bought Trados 2024 and i can not find a way to work with scanned PDFs.

I downloaded IRIS which has not been updated for 2024 and it can not be activated as it is indicated in a message after the installment.

How can I resolve the problem?


  • I have exactly the same problem. Angry 

    I wish I had known this before purchase, I was working better with Trados 2019. 

    In the meantime, have you found a solution?


    The plug-in does'nt work. 

    Why doesn't it work?

    In the meantime, have you found a solution?

    It does work.  I have a 60 page PDF I downloaded from an EU site containing around 24k words.  I just converted it just now in 2024 to test:

    With my file and my test it worked.  So clearly your problem isn't as straightforward as it just doesn't work.

    • what sort of PDF do you have?  Is it image based, or text?
    • what options did you use when you tried?
    • How do you know it doesn't work?  Did it just stall... crash... what exactly happened?

    One thing I did notice in my tests is that since I saved the PDF in a OneDrive location, my first test caused me a problem because the file wasn't immediately available to me and it had to be downloaded from the OneDrive Cloud even though I just saved it there!!  To use a  ism... OneDrive is troublesome!

    Other thing I noted is that the second time I tested it seemed to hang, until I started Word anyway and when I did that there was a message window asking me to click ok to the conversion.  I waited a good 3 or 4 mins before I tried that.  But the next time I got the message before I even started Word.  A bit weird, and I think if I was to check the box in Word not to show the message again then after the first time all would be well.

    Anyway, perhaps you can elaborate a little, or try some of the things I just shared.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • The files are PDF scanned files (good scan quality but uneditable text in the pdf)

    I used all the possible options in trados 2024 (which are not the same as those offered in trados 2019). 

    In trados 2019 I never had this problem with this type of files and I never needed an external tool. 

    The plug-in continues to load without ever finalizing. 

    Is it necessary for me to have microsoft 365? I have an older version. 


    I see the link above doesn't work as we moved to a new KB and support platform last week (all old links will be addressed in the coming weeks).  This one should work and I'll edit the old one:

    Starting during 2022 we were forced to use a different solution... the old PDF solution was a 3rd party solution and we were unable to continue using it.  The new one isn't as functional, hence the reason why we built the plugin to try and provide better support.

    However, since your PDF is uneditable it is challenging, and the plugin may not be able to handle it.  Try starting Word while it's working and see if you have the prompt I mentioned.

    Ultimately I think if you get a lot of PDF files the best solution is probably to purchase a dedicated software for handling PDFs.  Abbyy is the gold standard I think, followed by Adobe, but I use on my personal machine and frankly I like it better than any of the more known brands... it's also substantially cheaper!  I haven't done a lot of OCR with it, but it may be worth looking at:

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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