Problems when uploading documents in Trados Studio

Hi, I'm having problems when uploading documents to trados Studio (2022 version).

When I try to upload a document (both when translating a single document, when adding it in a translation project or when alligning a translation), theprogram seems to stop working.

The "document" window stays visible, but the uploading seems to be impossible: even after 15/20 minutes, the uploading is still incomplete and I have to force the shut down of the program.

i tried with small documents (15 kb) saved on my computer desktop, so the problem shouldn't be related to the dimension of the fine or to network connection.

I tried resetting the program, but it didn't solve the problem.

Has someone some suggestions?

Thank you

Trados Studio screenshot showing an 'Align documents' window with a 'Non risponde' (Not responding) message, indicating the program is frozen during file upload.

Generated Image Alt-Text
[edited by: RWS Community AI at 10:24 AM (GMT 1) on 23 Sep 2024]
  • Hello,

    Based on your description, it seems like you're experiencing a delay when uploading documents to Trados Studio 2022. This could be due to a variety of factors, but let's try a few troubleshooting steps:

    Step 1: Check the location of your Trados Studio folders. They should be located in your local system, specifically in the 'My Documents' folder. If they are located on a remote system or server, this could cause performance issues due to slow network activity.

    Step 2: Make sure you're using a local user account in Windows when running Trados Studio. This should be a non-roaming user account.

    Step 3: Disable any folder synchronization and folder redirection between the 'My Documents' folder and a network drive. This can also cause performance issues.

    Step 4: Check if your system meets the minimum requirements for running Trados Studio 2022. If your system is not powerful enough, it could cause the software to run slowly or not function properly.

    Step 5: Try to upload different types of documents. If the problem persists with all types of documents, it's likely a software issue. If it only happens with certain types of documents, it could be a file issue.

    If none of these steps resolve your issue, it might be a good idea to reinstall Trados Studio 2022. Remember to back up your settings and files before doing so.

    I hope these steps help you resolve your issue. If you need further assistance, don't hesitate to ask.

    Best regards,

    RWS Community AI


    The screenshot you show is for an alignment process, right?

    Screenshot of Trados Studio showing an alignment process with a highlighted error message 'Seleziona file... (Non risponde)' indicating the program is not responding.

    Does the text "Non risponde" appear already before you click on "Apri*? 
    If yes, then you have a problem with the source path of your documents. 
    Where is this folder "CLIENTI ATTIVI" located? Is this a local, cloud or server-based folder?


    Generated Image Alt-Text
    [edited by: RWS Community AI at 11:19 AM (GMT 1) on 24 Sep 2024]
  • I tried adding documents for every purpose (translating a single document, adding files to projects and alligning translations).

    This specific file was located on my computer desktop, so locally-saved.

    The text "non risponde" appears when I click Apri.

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