Strange error when migrating XML1-based sdlftsettings files to XML2-based sdlftsettings

We need to migrate XML1-based sdlftsettings files to XML2-based sdlftsettings files in Trados Studio 2024 using the procedure as described under the link below.

When doing so for a set of 3 sdlftsettings files, we get the error message below.
The error occurs between step 5 (Namespaces) and step 6 (Parser Rules).
The only thing we can do is click away the error message.
Next, all parser rules seem to migrate correctly, but due to the red cross present in each cell in the 1st column (Details) we cannot click Next and complete the migration.

Error dialog box in Trados Studio with a red cross icon, stating 'Resource Filters.UI.Xml2.warning.gif could not be found in assembly Filters.UI.Xml2.' with an OK button.

Trados Studio 'Create File Type' window showing a list of parser rules with red cross icons in the 'Details' column, indicating an error for each item.

No information on this error message to be found anywhere.

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[edited by: RWS Community AI at 3:51 AM (GMT 0) on 15 Nov 2024]