Translation comes out on left side- how do I keep it on the right?


I find that when I am done with the translation and re-open the file to go over it, the original text is gone on the left and replaced with my translated work and the right side is empty. 

I need both the original and my translation to be seen- the original language on the left and my translated text on the right.  I am not sure why the otiginal text disappears like that.  Any suggestions on how I can keep it all intact?  I am using Trados Studio 2024, translating from Greek into English.  Much appreciated!  Katerina


    It sounds as though you are opening the translated file when you're finished and not the bilingual file that contains both the source and the target.  Perhaps you can explain in a bit more detail and use the full names of the files you open including the extension.

    Paul Filkin | RWS Group

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  • Thank you for responding.  I really appreciate it.

    When I am done with my translation in Trados, I save it and send it off and when it is opened on either end ie, mine or the client's, the translation I filled out on the right of the bilingual file takes the place of the original language on the left and the right side remains empty.  How is that possible?  What do I need to do to keep both on the proper side?  I hope to get this clarified and taken care of.  I hope you can help.  Thanks again.  


    From your description I understand exactly what Paul wrote: you are opening the target file for translation like you opened the source file. Instead, open Trados Studio, go to Projects view, select the Project belonging to your newly translated file and activate it by double clicking if it is not yet activated. An active project is shown in bold. Having done so, got to Files view (Studio might bring you there when double clicking a project) and use the command "Open" (Open for review/sign-off respectively) or simply double click the file in the list. This will open your translated file, not the target one.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

  • I see. Thank you two.  I really appreciate the response.  I will follow this protocol in opening the docs next time.  I actually have trouble placing the project in Trados to open it from there, so I do this short cut, which apparently does not work.  Any tips for uploading the project in Trados to open it from there?  


    Unfortunately, your description gives me no chance to help, as I do not understand how your work or what you mean.

    However, from what you write I have the impression, that you need some more basic knowledge how to work with a tool like Trados Studio.

    Maybe this will help you: when you start to translate, you have a choice to use a single file or project approach. The only difference is, that in single file approach you "open" a file for translation in TS, while with the project approach the translation file is not "opened" anymore, but added to the project. From the the process is identical. Even with a single file a project is created. A project consists of the translation file(s) and at least one translation memory. These information is stored in the project settings. During the creation of the project the translatable file is being converted into a different format and thus a *.sdlxliff file is created. From this point you do NOT work with your original source file. The *.sdlxliff file is bilingual, contains both the source and the target text, which you enter during the translation. When you close Studio and will resume work, you do not need to create a new project (or "open" the single file), but need to return to it in Trados Studio. After the translation is finished, you can create a target file form the *.sdlxliff file. This file is monolingual and contains just the translated text.

    I would strongly advise you to look at tutorial how to work with Studio or take some lessons in that direction. Working with a CAT tool is not that straightforward as with software like Word. The learning curve can be really steep and self learning might not be the way you should go.


    When asking for help here, please be as accurate as possible. Please always remember to give the exact version of product used and all possible error messages received. The better you describe your problem, the better help you will get.

    Want to learn more about Trados Studio? Visit the Community Hub. Have a good idea to make Trados Studio better? Publish it here.

  • Yes, exactly.  It is not so straightforward and a bit confusing.  When I receive a file, I just click on that file and it opens automatically in Trados, where I work. on it and subsequently save it and send it off.  I do not open Trados first and then work on the file from there.  I hope this clarifies a bit. Not sure how else to explain.  It is the best I can do in simplest terms.  From what you say, I need to open Trados first and then tackle the file.  I need to get used to these extra steps.  I will need to look at this later, as I have to go now.  If I have any further questions, I hope you guys will be around.  Thank you!

  • Yes, exactly.  It is not so straightforward and a bit confusing.  When I receive a file, I just click on that file and it opens automatically in Trados, where I work. on it and subsequently save it and send it off.  I do not open Trados first and then work on the file from there.  I hope this clarifies a bit. Not sure how else to explain.  It is the best I can do in simplest terms.  From what you say, I need to open Trados first and then tackle the file.  I need to get used to these extra steps.  I will need to look at this later, as I have to go now.  If I have any further questions, I hope you guys will be around.  Thank you!

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